Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon


1.5 mile Swim, 18 mile Bike, 8 mile Run


June 12, 2005 in San Francisco, CA


Individual - Results

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1457 Tina Miteko F30-34 1324 62 230 1:02:33 1272 11:13 1:23:23 12.9 1298 7:04 1:21:36 10:12 1067 4:32 4:05:49
880 Will Portello M35-39 1325 250 1043 54:35 958 8:35 1:23:21 12.9 1297 3:47 1:35:41 11:57 1328 4:49 4:05:59
1613 Nargis Solis F30-34 1326 63 231 1:11:02 1451 10:42 1:16:08 14.1 1138 3:29 1:24:49 10:36 1155 4:51 4:06:10
1611 Sinead Noone F30-34 1327 64 232 1:09:43 1439 11:20 1:16:53 14 1161 2:56 1:25:21 10:40 1165 3:59 4:06:13
1785 Susan Cone F45-49 1328 21 233 1:07:03 1402 10:11 1:18:25 13.7 1200 3:24 1:27:18 10:54 1211 3:52 4:06:21
1477 Diana Partridge F20-24 1329 12 234 51:24 778 9:55 1:31:00 11.8 1376 2:20 1:32:43 11:35 1293 4:40 4:07:22
878 Lawrence Pickel M35-39 1330 251 1044 37:23 95 10:23 1:26:53 12.4 1344 1:58 1:50:46 13:50 1391 4:21 4:07:23
1452 Jonathan Ehrlich M35-39 1331 252 1045 1:02:50 1284 10:56 1:20:20 13.4 1240 2:42 1:30:42 11:20 1268 4:37 4:07:30
1486 Holly Mays F20-24 1332 13 235 1:07:21 1414 11:07 1:26:32 12.4 1339 2:23 1:20:16 10:02 1020 3:42 4:07:39
1441 Garry Elmitt M65-69 1333 5 1046 54:01 921 13:48 1:15:31 14.3 1111 2:28 1:41:55 12:44 1362 4:05 4:07:43
1675 Suzann Stone F35-39 1334 49 236 1:11:33 1453 11:27 1:15:32 14.2 1112 2:49 1:26:23 10:47 1190 3:55 4:07:44
450 Brian Fairhurst M30-34 1335 245 1047 1:09:52 1441 11:45 1:16:14 14.1 1144 3:29 1:26:32 10:49 1193 4:10 4:07:52
1386 George Killinger M55-59 1336 38 1048 1:07:25 1415 9:36 1:22:04 13.1 1270 3:09 1:25:42 10:42 1172 4:09 4:07:56
1240 Victor Lurz M45-49 1337 110 1049 42:22 254 17:32 1:24:52 12.7 1320 2:52 1:40:20 12:32 1353 4:52 4:07:58
1174 Brian Jenison M45-49 1338 111 1050 1:03:44 1319 11:30 1:27:42 12.3 1352 1:10 1:24:13 10:31 1135 4:19 4:08:19
1510 Julie Karasik F25-29 1339 44 237 1:14:09 1460 11:03 1:16:00 14.2 1127 3:29 1:23:39 10:27 1123 3:32 4:08:20
1743 Ruth Tooker F40-44 1340 31 238 1:03:40 1315 10:14 1:19:39 13.5 1230 2:41 1:32:20 11:32 1287 4:38 4:08:34
1444 Peter Bertine M65-69 1341 6 1051 44:43 362 16:34 1:19:34 13.5 1227 2:04 1:45:42 13:12 1381 4:24 4:08:37
854 Martin Fuentes M35-39 1342 253 1052 52:10 833 12:12 1:26:30 12.4 1338 3:28 1:34:30 11:48 1311 4:48 4:08:50
1690 Pamela Raleigh F35-39 1343 50 239 1:10:03 1444 12:53 1:21:09 13.3 1254 0:45 1:24:07 10:30 1133 3:35 4:08:57
1790 Sue Trovato F45-49 1344 22 240 56:32 1049 10:47 1:20:54 13.3 1250 2:33 1:38:13 12:16 1345 4:27 4:08:59
143 Cassidy Roberts-Yee M20-24 1345 36 1053 56:29 1048 10:01 1:28:35 12.1 1361 3:06 1:30:57 11:22 1273 5:29 4:09:08
1221 William Ray M45-49 1346 112 1054 46:59 500 12:56 1:18:51 13.6 1209 2:23 1:48:02 13:30 1388 5:45 4:09:11
747 Steve Holcomb Jr. M35-39 1347 254 1055 1:07:08 1404 12:10 1:19:42 13.5 1231 2:36 1:27:37 10:57 1220 4:23 4:09:13
824 Jay Platt M35-39 1348 255 1056 57:34 1103 12:43 1:24:17 12.8 1313 2:32 1:32:33 11:34 1290 4:45 4:09:39
1727 Kathleen Nevin F40-44 1349 32 241 1:06:18 1381 12:24 1:17:00 14 1166 2:09 1:31:54 11:29 1283 4:16 4:09:45
1430 James Young M60-64 1350 13 1057 1:02:13 1256 11:58 1:22:13 13.1 1273 2:24 1:30:59 11:22 1274 4:33 4:09:47
1694 Randee Travis F35-39 1351 51 242 1:02:11 1253 10:09 1:21:18 13.2 1255 3:09 1:33:01 11:37 1298 4:29 4:09:48
1480 Elizabeth Lippert F25-29 1352 45 243 54:18 940 8:52 1:35:29 11.3 1400 2:24 1:28:49 11:06 1243 5:00 4:09:52
1313 Stephen Mastaitis M50-54 1353 55 1058 1:08:28 1428 10:39 1:18:31 13.7 1202 5:53 1:26:22 10:47 1189 4:35 4:09:53
980 Vlad Georgevich M40-44 1354 192 1059 1:02:43 1279 10:27 1:17:59 13.8 1188 3:32 1:35:14 11:54 1322 4:26 4:09:55
1560 Molly Whitlock F30-34 1355 65 244 1:03:44 1317 9:25 1:19:43 13.5 1232 3:15 1:33:55 11:44 1307 5:19 4:10:02
1157 Robert Ballard M45-49 1356 113 1060 1:00:21 1191 15:56 1:14:25 14.5 1075 1:24 1:37:59 12:14 1344 5:18 4:10:05
289 Marc Wilson M25-29 1357 100 1061 1:02:41 1277 9:47 1:25:41 12.6 1329 3:25 1:28:34 11:04 1237 4:51 4:10:08
1689 Sharon Preston F35-39 1358 52 245 1:10:16 1449 9:19 1:14:40 14.4 1083 2:49 1:33:22 11:40 1303 4:09 4:10:26
273 Chris Heinen M25-29 1359 101 1062 51:41 800 12:09 1:25:00 12.7 1322 2:40 1:38:58 12:22 1349 5:18 4:10:28
1021 Brendan Connaughton M40-44 1360 193 1063 58:32 1142 12:10 1:17:11 13.9 1170 2:44 1:39:53 12:29 1351 4:45 4:10:30
1193 Boomer Titan M45-49 1361 114 1064 51:50 810 12:34 1:10:38 15.2 911 3:07 1:52:41 14:05 1397 4:26 4:10:50
1629 Emily McNeal F30-34 1362 66 246 1:05:14 1360 10:44 1:23:29 12.9 1301 3:26 1:28:08 11:01 1229 5:05 4:11:01
1179 Michael Mannas M45-49 1363 115 1065 1:00:29 1196 8:47 1:30:36 11.9 1375 3:52 1:27:24 10:55 1214 4:09 4:11:08

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