Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon


1.5 mile Swim, 18 mile Bike, 8 mile Run


June 12, 2005 in San Francisco, CA


Individual - Results

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1514 Elizabeth Prassas F25-29 577 17 61 47:11 517 8:01 1:05:59 16.3 625 1:43 1:11:10 8:53 652 3:32 3:14:04
695 Scott McPhaden M35-39 578 123 491 57:30 1095 8:05 1:03:04 17.1 421 1:58 1:03:28 7:56 293 3:10 3:14:05
694 David McNamar M35-39 579 124 492 49:56 685 10:31 1:07:04 16.1 696 2:01 1:04:36 8:04 343 3:21 3:14:08
137 Victor Chen M20-24 580 27 493 40:23 180 - - - - - - - - - 3:14:13
1395 Joe Howell M55-59 581 7 494 48:45 617 8:04 1:01:17 17.6 306 1:40 1:14:29 9:18 816 3:14 3:14:15
862 Jeffrey Kirk M35-39 582 125 495 47:21 532 8:17 1:08:28 15.7 781 1:36 1:08:38 8:34 526 3:46 3:14:20
283 Kevin Quellmalz M25-29 583 55 496 38:50 130 7:52 1:08:18 15.8 774 1:44 1:17:45 9:43 922 4:11 3:14:29
559 Ron Novak M30-34 584 124 497 48:39 610 7:38 1:13:07 14.7 1032 1:30 1:03:35 7:56 296 3:26 3:14:29
815 Sandy Murray M35-39 585 126 498 44:34 350 6:55 1:08:48 15.6 805 1:18 1:13:01 9:07 746 3:30 3:14:36
1836 James Picker M45-49 586 36 499 47:56 570 9:36 1:06:54 16.1 688 2:15 1:07:55 8:29 492 3:17 3:14:36
861 Devin Jain M35-39 587 127 500 55:52 1019 8:41 1:06:29 16.2 662 1:50 1:01:49 7:43 222 2:26 3:14:41
385 A. J. Catalanotte M30-34 588 125 501 56:40 1058 6:53 1:04:24 16.7 506 1:52 1:04:58 8:07 361 3:04 3:14:47
355 Sean McKenna M30-34 589 126 502 54:25 943 8:48 59:45 18 208 2:41 1:09:11 8:38 550 3:08 3:14:50
1465 Tom West M35-39 590 128 503 53:30 903 7:03 1:05:01 16.6 557 2:45 1:06:35 8:19 426 3:22 3:14:54
1120 Martin Desmery M40-44 591 101 504 54:29 948 8:28 1:03:41 16.9 465 1:58 1:06:24 8:18 419 2:52 3:15:00
890 James Sohn M35-39 592 129 505 52:52 863 8:57 1:05:04 16.5 561 1:15 1:06:58 8:22 448 3:00 3:15:06
573 Falko Schoeneweiss M30-34 593 127 506 55:00 984 6:44 1:05:27 16.5 583 1:56 1:06:06 8:15 406 3:06 3:15:13
1046 Rodrigo Pinedo M40-44 594 102 507 45:23 398 8:57 1:05:21 16.5 576 2:36 1:13:02 9:07 747 3:34 3:15:19
1062 Tim Weyland M40-44 595 103 508 48:13 587 7:52 1:02:18 17.3 372 1:10 1:15:49 9:28 860 3:57 3:15:22
1184 Bill Olliver M45-49 596 37 509 59:18 1164 9:41 1:03:20 17 447 2:07 1:00:57 7:37 191 2:30 3:15:23
1857 Team Kansas City ROpenX 597 7 27 44:07 329 8:02 1:06:35 16.2 671 1:55 1:14:45 9:20 824 4:05 3:15:24
601 Ryan Enright M35-39 598 130 510 46:21 464 7:29 1:08:53 15.6 812 1:18 1:11:25 8:55 665 3:20 3:15:26
1464 Edwin Castillo M35-39 599 131 511 45:35 414 11:28 1:05:37 16.4 595 2:14 1:10:33 8:49 614 3:58 3:15:27
869 Michael Manning M35-39 600 132 512 43:17 293 7:32 1:07:26 16 720 1:29 1:15:46 9:28 858 3:44 3:15:30
1071 Andrew Donkin M40-44 601 104 513 51:03 752 8:10 1:04:39 16.7 527 1:19 1:10:20 8:47 603 3:05 3:15:31
649 Jeff Thomason M35-39 602 133 514 39:15 140 6:19 1:08:35 15.7 792 1:33 1:19:51 9:58 1001 4:00 3:15:33
1735 Katie Ingram F40-44 603 7 62 42:00 237 8:24 1:05:47 16.4 605 1:18 1:18:04 9:45 930 3:53 3:15:33
523 Christopher Dooley M30-34 604 128 515 53:01 872 8:47 1:04:37 16.7 521 1:56 1:07:14 8:24 460 3:29 3:15:35
864 Nicholas Lardie M35-39 605 134 516 51:16 766 7:01 - - - - - - - 3:48 3:15:42
309 Brian Kurotsuchi M30-34 606 129 517 55:10 994 7:38 1:01:23 17.5 313 1:23 1:10:11 8:46 599 - 3:15:45
330 Gregory Wright M30-34 607 130 518 43:34 311 10:49 1:07:15 16 710 1:24 1:12:50 9:06 731 3:40 3:15:52
1601 Helen Cane F30-34 608 18 63 44:16 335 7:56 1:07:26 16 719 2:05 1:14:14 9:16 798 4:07 3:15:57
607 Tate Garey M35-39 609 135 519 48:57 633 7:14 1:05:57 16.3 618 2:01 1:11:49 8:58 685 3:22 3:15:58
1563 Dana Booth F30-34 610 19 64 46:59 503 7:58 1:08:22 15.7 778 1:37 1:11:03 8:52 643 3:31 3:15:59
107 Alberto Myhrer M20-24 611 28 520 1:00:41 1204 7:54 1:04:16 16.8 498 1:34 1:01:36 7:42 213 3:47 3:16:01
351 Gerry Kelly M30-34 612 131 521 51:31 786 6:44 1:06:09 16.3 635 1:54 1:09:45 8:43 579 3:47 3:16:03
1017 John Burke M40-44 613 105 522 56:02 1025 9:40 1:05:18 16.5 572 2:46 1:02:18 7:47 235 3:22 3:16:04
626 John Mahood M35-39 614 136 523 52:10 834 7:25 1:07:04 16.1 698 2:32 1:06:54 8:21 446 3:44 3:16:05
458 Scott Graves M30-34 615 132 524 42:17 249 8:34 1:08:13 15.8 768 1:24 1:15:39 9:27 855 3:36 3:16:07
1646 Ann Hanlon F35-39 616 16 65 51:02 750 8:25 1:09:44 15.4 868 1:34 1:05:22 8:10 375 3:11 3:16:07

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