Lighthouse Run - 2012

10 Mile Run - Results

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2 Ben Orvold M20-24 1 1/34 1/412 52:30 52:30 5:15
13 Zach Meinke M20-24 2 2/34 2/412 53:23 53:24 5:21
473 Jason Meekma M30-34 3 1/49 3/412 55:47 55:47 5:35
11 Ryan Kaestner M17-19 4 1/24 4/412 56:43 56:43 5:41
399 Ben Schmitt M20-24 5 3/34 5/412 57:28 57:28 5:45
763 Kyle Fraser M30-34 6 2/49 6/412 57:31 57:32 5:46
734 Jared Hicks M20-24 7 4/34 7/412 58:38 58:40 5:52
6 Will Arnold M17-19 8 2/24 8/412 58:57 58:57 5:54
17 David Zeisler M35-39 9 1/45 9/412 59:05 59:06 5:55
748 Jeremy Bucks M30-34 10 3/49 10/412 59:25 59:26 5:57
742 James Koceja M25-29 11 1/36 11/412 59:36 59:37 5:58
803 Joey Boberschmidt M25-29 12 2/36 12/412 59:51 59:52 6:00
553 John Haberkorn M50-54 13 1/41 13/412 1:00:04 1:00:06 6:01
590 Brad Moats M40-44 14 1/53 14/412 1:00:41 1:00:42 6:05
543 Jacob Clacke M17-19 15 3/24 15/412 1:00:53 1:00:53 6:06
193 Robert Meilbeck M17-19 16 4/24 16/412 1:01:04 1:01:05 6:07
741 Steve Clark M40-44 17 2/53 17/412 1:01:13 1:01:14 6:08
599 Andy Ruffalo M30-34 18 4/49 18/412 1:01:27 1:01:28 6:09
194 Ryne Scopp M17-19 19 5/24 19/412 1:01:30 1:01:32 6:10
756 Tressa Breindel F30-34 20 1/45 1/315 1:01:46 1:01:47 6:11
1 Heidi Ertl F20-24 21 1/28 2/315 1:03:26 1:03:26 6:21
294 Sam Dupuis M20-24 22 5/34 20/412 1:03:30 1:03:30 6:21
541 Ernesto Sanchez M17-19 23 6/24 21/412 1:03:35 1:03:35 6:22
140 Brian Falcone M30-34 24 5/49 22/412 1:03:40 1:03:40 6:22
199 Kevin Ryan M14-16 25 1/13 23/412 1:03:48 1:03:50 6:23
778 James Strauss M25-29 26 3/36 24/412 1:04:02 1:04:03 6:25
438 Robert Williams M45-49 27 1/60 25/412 1:04:05 1:04:05 6:25
203 Isaac Hill M20-24 28 6/34 26/412 1:04:30 1:04:34 6:28
747 Andre Bennatan M50-54 29 2/41 27/412 1:04:39 1:04:40 6:28
434 Jose Wence M30-34 30 6/49 28/412 1:04:39 1:04:42 6:29
624 Bryan Eckstein M25-29 31 4/36 29/412 1:04:47 1:04:51 6:30
8 Claire Roberts F20-24 32 2/28 3/315 1:04:51 1:04:52 6:30
82 Philippe Lesuisse M50-54 33 3/41 30/412 1:04:54 1:04:54 6:30
784 Andrew Gabrysiak M30-34 34 7/49 31/412 1:05:10 1:05:14 6:32
332 John Homberg M40-44 35 3/53 32/412 1:05:38 1:05:38 6:34
793 Michael Culbert M40-44 36 4/53 33/412 1:05:50 1:05:51 6:36
603 Matthew Paavola M25-29 37 5/36 34/412 1:05:45 1:05:54 6:36
542 Brent Heckel M17-19 38 7/24 35/412 1:06:17 1:06:17 6:38
255 Selwyn Ayers Jr M30-34 39 8/49 36/412 1:06:22 1:06:23 6:39
545 Myles Brown M14-16 40 2/13 37/412 1:06:32 1:06:32 6:40

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