Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 3, 2022 in LeClaire, IA


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5k - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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250 Amy Rochau F5059 200 26/35 132/190 54:02 17:26
43 Stacy Burds F4049 201 34/53 133/190 54:05 17:27
41 Bart Burds M4049 202 13/15 69/78 54:06 17:27
180 Andrew Mann M2029 203 4/4 70/78 54:07 17:28
182 Sarah Markham F4049 204 35/53 134/190 54:07 17:28
74 Joanne Dixson F60UP 205 11/17 135/190 54:16 17:31
296 Alyssa Vanspeybroeck F4049 206 36/53 136/190 54:16 17:31
266 Mechie Sims F3039 207 36/49 137/190 54:17 17:31
24 Diana Bleeker F5059 208 27/35 138/190 54:18 17:31
260 Kellie Schultz F3039 209 37/49 139/190 54:18 17:31
205 Rylie Milliken F2029 210 9/14 140/190 54:19 17:32
164 Sarah Lammers F2029 211 10/14 141/190 54:19 17:32
181 Rachel Mann F2029 212 11/14 142/190 54:20 17:32
195 Kate McKinley F4049 213 37/53 143/190 54:41 17:39
231 Shauna Oyler F4049 214 38/53 144/190 54:42 17:39
218 Kristine Nichols F3039 215 38/49 145/190 54:58 17:44
338 Carol Harris Leingang F60UP 216 12/17 146/190 55:03 17:46
209 Christina Morrell F2029 217 12/14 147/190 55:21 17:52
248 Tonya Rickertsen F4049 218 39/53 148/190 55:29 17:54
9 Jenny Amerine F4049 219 40/53 149/190 55:29 17:54
194 Jessica McKearney F3039 220 39/49 150/190 55:29 17:54
191 Loren McFate M60UP 221 9/11 71/78 55:38 17:57
147 Russ Johnson M60UP 222 10/11 72/78 55:41 17:58
241 Erin Rangel F4049 223 41/53 151/190 55:49 18:01
158 Paula Kirkwood Swearingen F4049 224 42/53 152/190 55:52 18:02
40 Candace Buikema F5059 225 28/35 153/190 56:00 18:04
143 Jennet Jewell F4049 226 43/53 154/190 57:54 18:41
177 Alexa Mahoney F2029 227 13/14 155/190 58:11 18:46
178 Johnna Mahoney F5059 228 29/35 156/190 58:11 18:47
15 Michael Austin M60UP 229 11/11 73/78 59:28 19:11
108 Lydia Geiszler F3039 230 40/49 157/190 1:00:21 19:28
257 Casey Schneider F2029 231 14/14 158/190 1:00:22 19:29
210 Mariah Morse F3039 232 41/49 159/190 1:02:01 20:01
97 Dusty Freisinger F4049 233 44/53 160/190 1:02:01 20:01
204 Tara Miller F4049 234 45/53 161/190 1:02:10 20:04
23 Dawn Biba F4049 235 46/53 162/190 1:02:10 20:04
85 Vickie Everly F4049 236 47/53 163/190 1:02:10 20:04
333 Michael Merten M4049 237 14/15 74/78 1:03:12 20:24
137 Wyatt Hudson M1219 238 16/16 75/78 1:03:13 20:24
144 Jean Johnson F5059 239 30/35 164/190 1:03:34 20:31

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