Door County Triathlon - 2015

Sprint - Individuals - Results

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131 Emma Wenman F15-19 535 11/23 230/433 7:45 3:04 1:03:18 1:39 36:57 - 1:52:41
613 Andrea Mason F40-44 536 30/58 231/433 9:31 2:44 1:02:12 1:50 36:27 - 1:52:42
746 Michael Orr M50-54 537 27/33 306/380 12:31 3:22 1:02:00 2:35 32:17 - 1:52:44
750 Sarah Gentz F25-29 538 34/50 232/433 11:13 3:38 1:05:10 1:07 31:46 - 1:52:53
321 Jamie Sieren M45-49 539 44/52 307/380 16:45 3:42 1:01:03 1:55 29:32 - 1:52:55
462 Robert Schwarz M50-54 540 28/33 308/380 9:59 4:25 1:06:56 3:47 27:56 - 1:53:01
417 Susan Zeuske F40-44 541 31/58 233/433 9:09 3:47 1:02:22 1:34 36:14 - 1:53:04
384 Matt Hafeman M40-44 542 39/45 309/380 8:27 4:37 1:06:29 1:47 31:47 - 1:53:05
626 Amanda Wentland F35-39 543 38/68 234/433 8:17 4:12 1:04:19 2:03 34:24 - 1:53:13
313 Beth Birk F45-49 544 33/42 235/433 9:12 2:30 1:02:53 1:37 37:03 - 1:53:13
34 Phil Pearson M65-69 545 12/14 310/380 9:12 2:41 1:02:48 2:16 36:20 - 1:53:16
318 Kristi Bernhardt F45-49 546 34/42 236/433 11:44 3:28 1:08:26 1:18 28:22 - 1:53:16
768 Mike Deprey M45-49 547 45/52 311/380 11:20 2:28 1:01:24 3:26 34:46 - 1:53:22
563 Cher Gunderson F40-44 548 32/58 237/433 11:47 3:36 1:02:22 2:12 33:27 - 1:53:23
571 Sheridan Hearn F20-24 549 21/33 238/433 9:55 2:23 1:06:47 1:57 32:23 - 1:53:23
28 Hannah Schmidt F15-19 550 12/23 239/433 - - 1:11:33 1:42 26:23 - 1:53:24
89 Tamara Schoof F55-59 551 15/35 240/433 9:55 2:13 1:03:57 1:56 35:27 - 1:53:26
38 Brendan Czajka M01-14 552 3/4 312/380 8:58 3:13 1:08:03 1:30 31:45 - 1:53:27
281 Josh Timmons M20-24 553 17/19 313/380 9:05 3:34 1:07:05 1:59 31:46 - 1:53:27
128 Julie Collison F35-39 554 39/68 241/433 6:31 2:13 1:08:06 2:25 34:20 - 1:53:34
202 Mary Bain F55-59 555 16/35 242/433 12:12 3:11 58:23 2:44 37:09 - 1:53:37
614 Roberta Oldenburg F35-39 556 40/68 243/433 8:29 2:50 1:09:52 1:12 31:25 - 1:53:45
224 Jeannette Bree F40-44 557 33/58 244/433 12:34 3:29 1:08:49 1:19 27:43 - 1:53:50
852 Jeff Schommer M45-49 558 46/52 314/380 9:08 2:14 1:05:43 1:15 35:37 - 1:53:56
882 Sara Coursin F25-29 559 35/50 245/433 7:50 3:52 1:08:11 1:21 32:47 - 1:53:58
117 Karen Terhorst F50-54 560 20/45 246/433 10:02 2:05 1:04:07 1:14 36:32 - 1:53:58
807 Tracy Roub F35-39 561 41/68 247/433 10:02 2:53 1:05:15 2:09 33:48 - 1:54:05
25 Sandi Marcotte F40-44 562 34/58 248/433 12:10 2:04 1:07:40 1:12 31:06 - 1:54:09
812 Leesa McShane F50-54 563 21/45 249/433 10:11 8:27 1:01:42 4:43 29:09 - 1:54:10
174 Cathleen Boland F40-44 564 35/58 250/433 8:37 3:38 1:08:34 4:08 29:17 - 1:54:12
173 Mike Boland M35-39 565 27/34 315/380 9:31 1:52 1:07:24 2:09 33:18 - 1:54:13
819 Michael Beliveau M35-39 566 28/34 316/380 13:12 3:13 1:09:17 0:59 27:33 - 1:54:13
189 Tobias J. Andropolis M50-54 567 29/33 317/380 13:42 4:33 1:06:33 1:40 27:50 - 1:54:16
335 Paul Volm M35-39 568 29/34 318/380 9:57 3:49 1:01:02 2:18 37:18 - 1:54:21
637 Katie Dzurick F25-29 569 36/50 251/433 8:43 3:44 1:05:02 2:15 34:47 - 1:54:28
179 Benjamin Scherschligt M35-39 570 30/34 319/380 - - 1:02:40 2:07 34:01 - 1:54:41
891 Ann Crawley F45-49 571 35/42 252/433 9:12 2:25 1:08:43 1:59 32:25 - 1:54:43
195 Jamie Berg F20-24 572 22/33 253/433 11:34 4:09 1:06:43 1:43 30:39 - 1:54:46
820 Pamela Witmer F30-34 573 29/53 254/433 9:02 3:53 1:15:24 1:11 25:22 - 1:54:49
251 Katherine Werner F25-29 574 37/50 255/433 9:58 3:23 1:07:13 2:11 32:21 - 1:55:04

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