Cottonwood Classic 5K

5K Run


May 16, 2009 in Thornton, CO

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5K Run - Results

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2355 Jennie Maydew F1619 81 2/4 15/207 24:12 7:49
2462 Mark Cicotello M5059 82 20/36 67/227 24:18 7:51
2127 Chris McGurry M2029 83 9/19 68/227 24:18 7:51
2325 Kristin Granderson F5059 84 3/25 16/207 24:19 7:51
2155 Chandler Caldwell M2029 85 10/19 69/227 24:22 7:52
2356 Mariane Harsch F3039 86 3/58 17/207 24:25 7:53
2016 Curt Brogren M6069 87 8/16 70/227 24:31 7:55
2020 Marijane Martinez F5059 88 4/25 18/207 24:35 7:56
2143 Jordan Hernandez M1115 89 6/39 71/227 24:37 7:57
2142 Joseph Duran M3039 90 11/34 72/227 24:45 7:59
2200 Madelyn Fahnline F0110 91 1/25 19/207 24:46 8:00
2575 Don Fort Iii M3039 92 12/34 73/227 24:50 8:01
2343 Cameron Fay M3039 93 13/34 74/227 24:51 8:01
2361 John Butts M1115 94 7/39 75/227 25:01 8:05
2007 Jackson Snyder M1115 95 8/39 76/227 25:03 8:05
2513 Alex Patel M1115 96 9/39 77/227 25:06 8:06
2562 Sergio Munoz Jr M1619 97 4/8 78/227 25:15 8:09
2056 Larry Avery M6069 98 9/16 79/227 25:15 8:09
2351 Trevor Glen M1115 99 10/39 80/227 25:16 8:09
2273 Michael Martinez M2029 100 11/19 81/227 25:19 8:10
2022 Cathy Morgan F6069 101 2/10 20/207 25:20 8:11
2164 Bob Nichols M4049 102 15/40 82/227 25:26 8:13
2360 Matt Kuzmich M2029 103 12/19 83/227 25:27 8:13
2372 Mario Boschmann M3039 104 14/34 84/227 25:30 8:14
2043 Carol Stephens F4049 105 7/32 21/207 25:31 8:14
2322 Emily Ramos F0110 106 2/25 22/207 25:33 8:15
2358 Tyler Harsch M0110 107 1/32 85/227 25:33 8:15
2059 Ping Dou F5059 108 5/25 23/207 25:43 8:18
2432 Stephanie Rendon F3039 109 4/58 24/207 25:46 8:19
2033 Carrie Strand F3039 110 5/58 25/207 25:51 8:21
2063 Joanne Harms F5059 111 6/25 26/207 25:53 8:21
2062 Constance Ahrnsbrak F6069 112 3/10 27/207 25:54 8:22
2577 Carly Simpson F2029 113 3/25 28/207 26:04 8:25
2638 Reid Wiecks M6069 114 10/16 86/227 26:07 8:26
2576 Tamara Lischer F2029 115 4/25 29/207 26:08 8:26
2257 Raul Herrera M5059 116 21/36 87/227 26:12 8:28
2297 Brian Roe M3039 117 15/34 88/227 26:15 8:28
2211 Bob Siska M5059 118 22/36 89/227 26:16 8:29
2019 Melissa Griego F4049 119 8/32 30/207 26:18 8:29
2633 Judy McRae F3039 120 6/58 31/207 26:21 8:30

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