Cottonwood Classic 5K

5K Run


May 16, 2009 in Thornton, CO

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5K Run - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2591 Peter Kolody M5059 130 23/36 94/227 26:46 8:38
2073 Alexis Montoya M1115 131 12/39 95/227 26:47 8:39
2412 Eric Anderson M5059 132 24/36 96/227 26:48 8:39
2032 Brandon Degolier M3039 133 17/34 97/227 26:56 8:41
2031 Sara Degolier F3039 134 8/58 37/207 26:56 8:41
2550 Mike Wellborn M4049 135 17/40 98/227 27:03 8:44
2426 Cambria Pilger F0110 136 4/25 38/207 27:07 8:45
2144 Rudy Duran M0110 137 2/32 99/227 27:15 8:48
2248 Stephanie Larson F4049 138 10/32 39/207 27:19 8:49
2201 Matthew Brewer M3039 139 18/34 100/227 27:20 8:49
2369 Marco Walther M3039 140 19/34 101/227 27:21 8:50
2195 Diana Wiles F4049 141 11/32 40/207 27:30 8:53
2506 Virginia Edley F4049 142 12/32 41/207 27:38 8:55
2411 Noah Sauls M1115 143 13/39 102/227 27:45 8:57
2313 Alex Martinez M0110 144 3/32 103/227 27:46 8:58
2328 Joshua Hartner M1619 145 5/8 104/227 27:47 8:58
2006 Tambrey Snyder F4049 146 13/32 42/207 27:49 8:59
2463 Paul Jurasin M4049 147 18/40 105/227 27:51 8:59
2465 Kevin Sjolin M1619 148 6/8 106/227 27:52 9:00
2180 Schog Jacob M0110 149 4/32 107/227 27:54 9:00
2060 Bonnie Clark F6069 150 4/10 43/207 27:54 9:00
2081 Donovan Cagney M1115 151 14/39 108/227 27:54 9:00
2425 Nicole Pilger F4049 152 14/32 44/207 27:57 9:01
2603 Kenneth Fleischhacker M70UP 153 1/2 109/227 28:00 9:02
2188 Adrian Kois M1115 154 15/39 110/227 28:00 9:02
2130 Geoffrey Winterbourne M2029 155 13/19 111/227 28:03 9:03
2557 Bob Ghormley M70UP 156 2/2 112/227 28:04 9:03
2271 Rob Richie M4049 157 19/40 113/227 28:14 9:07
2119 Yesenia Perez-Robles F1115 158 1/25 45/207 28:15 9:07
2281 Eubaldo Lovato M2029 159 14/19 114/227 28:16 9:08
2087 Pablo Miguel Lorez M0110 160 5/32 115/227 28:16 9:08
2262 Evan Miller M0110 161 6/32 116/227 28:19 9:09
2547 Jake Wellborn M1115 162 16/39 117/227 28:20 9:09
2095 Bill Chapman M6069 163 11/16 118/227 28:23 9:10
2034 Sarah Roemer F3039 164 9/58 46/207 28:23 9:10
2427 Meghan Caulum F3039 165 10/58 47/207 28:25 9:10
2046 Cathy Redlin F6069 166 5/10 48/207 28:27 9:11
2582 Braedi Tagart F3039 167 11/58 49/207 28:29 9:12
2534 Hunter Flowers M0110 168 7/32 119/227 28:29 9:12
2552 Joshua Dickhausen M0110 169 8/32 120/227 28:29 9:12

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