Eugene Marathon - 5K



May 2, 2009 in Eugene, OR

Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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231 Heather Cashell F3034 274 19/37 128/260 33:15 10:44
61 Lisa Jeffries F3539 275 14/33 129/260 33:21 10:46
317 Ruth Pinney F5559 276 2/13 130/260 33:37 10:51
285 Christy Kadien F3539 277 15/33 131/260 33:47 10:54
536 Katherine Pippitt F2024 278 32/40 132/260 33:51 10:56
535 Michelle Brown F2529 279 16/34 133/260 33:51 10:56
116 Jason Weaver M3034 280 14/19 146/184 33:54 10:57
97 Liz Johnson F2529 281 17/34 134/260 33:58 10:58
453 Alita Bowder F4044 282 16/26 135/260 33:59 10:58
394 Tasha Riddle F3539 283 16/33 136/260 34:02 10:59
389 Raquel Mitola F3539 284 17/33 137/260 34:02 10:59
325 Ellie Folk F2529 285 18/34 138/260 34:03 10:59
381 Jina Ridley F3539 286 18/33 139/260 34:05 11:00
338 Shela Gunnink F4044 287 17/26 140/260 34:05 11:00
101 Kaylie Smith F0119 288 14/22 141/260 34:05 11:00
100 Tracy Smith F3034 289 20/37 142/260 34:05 11:00
371 Sarah Van Dusen F2529 290 19/34 143/260 34:08 11:01
417 Leroy Palmer M6064 291 5/6 147/184 34:13 11:03
464 Robert Hawtree M5559 292 11/18 148/184 34:15 11:03
290 Lisa Schwartz F4044 293 18/26 144/260 34:21 11:05
242 Kennedy Potts F0119 294 15/22 145/260 34:22 11:06
359 Missi Kofstad F2529 295 20/34 146/260 34:22 11:06
358 Elaine Kirkpatrick F2529 296 21/34 147/260 34:23 11:06
523 Aimee Gales F3034 297 21/37 148/260 34:25 11:07
363 Barri Trott F3034 298 22/37 149/260 34:32 11:09
442 Meghann Kidd F2529 299 22/34 150/260 34:39 11:11
443 Luke Gambee M3034 300 15/19 149/184 34:39 11:11
361 Zehra Greenleaf F5559 301 3/13 151/260 34:41 11:11
405 Colin Anderson M0119 302 27/33 150/184 34:42 11:12
406 Meghan Anderson F0119 303 16/22 152/260 34:42 11:12
84 Sarah Hoechlin F0119 304 17/22 153/260 35:02 11:19
85 Dan Hoechlin M5054 305 11/12 151/184 35:02 11:19
330 Lisa Keepes F4044 306 19/26 154/260 35:10 11:21
512 Carol Metzler F4549 307 10/20 155/260 35:14 11:22
154 Isabelle Ceccanese F0109 308 3/5 156/260 35:20 11:24
520 Anna Pelz F0109 309 4/5 157/260 35:23 11:25
531 Katie Marwitz F2529 310 23/34 158/260 35:28 11:27
521 Sarah Case F3539 311 19/33 159/260 35:32 11:28
27 Deborah Marshall F2529 312 24/34 160/260 35:33 11:28
86 Brooke Chaney F3034 313 23/37 161/260 35:35 11:29

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