30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3414 Miriam Redlinski F10UN 834 17/31 373/711 36:40 11:50
3572 Kendall Phillips F2529 835 33/56 374/711 36:41 11:50
3713 Michael Fowler M3034 836 25/45 462/662 36:46 11:52
3483 Kacie Reaves F4549 837 26/72 375/711 36:47 11:52
4404 Lisa Loewenstein F3539 838 33/53 376/711 36:49 11:53
3280 Stephen Bakir M5559 839 22/38 463/662 36:52 11:54
3372 Robert Talbert M5054 840 45/63 464/662 36:54 11:54
3001 Karen Whitley F6064 841 6/30 377/711 36:54 11:55
4416 Joshua Mosteller M3539 842 35/42 465/662 36:54 11:55
4253 Liam Melcher M1519 843 55/60 466/662 36:54 11:55
3515 Daryl Kimche F6064 844 7/30 378/711 36:56 11:55
3021 Austin Gall M10UN 845 34/48 467/662 36:57 11:55
3482 Brittany Young F3539 846 34/53 379/711 36:58 11:56
3481 John Zoanetti M4044 847 48/62 468/662 36:58 11:56
4162 James Scott M5559 848 23/38 469/662 36:59 11:56
4103 Courtney Latham F2529 849 34/56 380/711 37:02 11:57
3114 Ava Saunders F1114 850 38/52 381/711 37:04 11:58
3002 Nicole Saunders F4549 851 27/72 382/711 37:05 11:58
3667 Joe Chandra M4549 852 43/64 470/662 37:06 11:58
4383 Dalila Origel F1114 853 39/52 383/711 37:07 11:59
3022 Griffin Gall M3539 854 36/42 471/662 37:08 11:59
4405 Zach Snider M4044 855 49/62 472/662 37:09 12:00
4266 Skyler Ruf M2529 856 32/41 473/662 37:11 12:00
3459 Laura Stanley F4044 857 30/69 384/711 37:11 12:00
3651 Brenna Jaeger F5559 858 14/39 385/711 37:11 12:00
3007 Hunter Skelton F2024 859 48/78 386/711 37:12 12:00
3165 Ashley Dasilva F4044 860 31/69 387/711 37:17 12:02
3385 Ted Kissel M7074 861 2/12 474/662 37:18 12:02
3092 Owen Lasseter M1114 862 68/78 475/662 37:19 12:03
3302 Francesca Ross F2529 863 35/56 388/711 37:23 12:04
3030 Donna Hogan F5559 864 15/39 389/711 37:24 12:04
3954 Alexis Block F1519 865 66/82 390/711 37:26 12:05
4206 George Herrington M7579 866 1/3 476/662 37:27 12:05
3885 Belinda Watson F6064 867 8/30 391/711 37:27 12:05
3116 Crystal Overend F4044 868 32/69 392/711 37:30 12:06
3460 Mason Everly M1114 869 69/78 477/662 37:32 12:07
3212 Jennifer Rauch F4044 870 33/69 393/711 37:33 12:07
3343 Thomas Robinson M6569 871 4/13 478/662 37:35 12:08
3080 Craig Francks M6569 872 5/13 479/662 37:39 12:09
3342 Jeffrey Shimizu M5054 873 46/63 480/662 37:40 12:09

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