114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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8937 Dan Fulkerson M6569 2829 30/91 1697/2629 1:02:12 10:02
7754 Hope Pauly F2529 2830 171/356 1133/2609 1:02:13 10:02
7439 Bill Buzek M7579 2831 4/19 1698/2629 1:02:13 10:02
6616 John Torok M5054 2832 119/200 1699/2629 1:02:13 10:03
7114 Deborah Casey F6064 2833 28/124 1134/2609 1:02:14 10:03
6709 Megan Barlage F2529 2834 172/356 1135/2609 1:02:14 10:03
222 Holly Barlage F2024 2835 173/349 1136/2609 1:02:14 10:03
5395 Meghan Van Sant F3539 2836 117/252 1137/2609 1:02:14 10:03
7440 Terri Buzek F6064 2837 29/124 1138/2609 1:02:15 10:03
5027 Andrew Stanifer M2529 2838 229/318 1700/2629 1:02:16 10:03
4716 Mark Schumacher M6064 2839 73/166 1701/2629 1:02:18 10:03
7899 Brian Wells M2024 2840 216/284 1702/2629 1:02:19 10:04
3351 Alyssa Masten F2024 2841 174/349 1139/2609 1:02:20 10:04
806 Lauren Cartone F2024 2842 175/349 1140/2609 1:02:20 10:04
4867 Allison Simonson F4549 2843 82/211 1141/2609 1:02:20 10:04
7741 Abby Norris F3034 2844 132/260 1142/2609 1:02:20 10:04
4620 Erin Schelle F4044 2845 96/223 1143/2609 1:02:20 10:04
2160 Alex Helmes M4044 2846 164/228 1703/2629 1:02:21 10:04
7742 James Norris M3539 2847 212/287 1704/2629 1:02:22 10:04
1894 Meghan Greenwell F2024 2848 176/349 1144/2609 1:02:22 10:04
3025 Stuart Lavenda M6569 2849 31/91 1705/2629 1:02:23 10:04
7809 Stacy Shawhan F3034 2850 133/260 1145/2609 1:02:23 10:04
7808 Cory Shawhan M3034 2851 216/299 1706/2629 1:02:23 10:04
331 Maggie Belyea F1619 2852 159/250 1146/2609 1:02:24 10:04
10296 Martin Maline M7074 2853 7/41 1707/2629 1:02:24 10:04
5216 Lauren Szabo F4044 2854 97/223 1147/2609 1:02:24 10:04
10094 Austin Smith M3034 2855 217/299 1708/2629 1:02:24 10:04
3697 Brigitte Morton F3539 2856 118/252 1148/2609 1:02:25 10:04
4056 George Perbix M6569 2857 32/91 1709/2629 1:02:25 10:04
207 Quentin Barber M2024 2858 217/284 1710/2629 1:02:26 10:05
4562 Mary Sansalone F6569 2859 5/48 1149/2609 1:02:27 10:05
2949 Jacob Kuhlman M0115 2860 93/140 1711/2629 1:02:29 10:05
2954 William Kuhlman M1619 2861 134/169 1712/2629 1:02:29 10:05
10695 Chris Loos M2529 2862 230/318 1713/2629 1:02:29 10:05
4719 Robin Schumacher F2024 2863 177/349 1150/2609 1:02:29 10:05
2953 Trevor Kuhlman M1619 2864 135/169 1714/2629 1:02:29 10:05
5107 Adrienne Stewart F4044 2865 98/223 1151/2609 1:02:30 10:05
1952 Joe Hacker M3034 2866 218/299 1715/2629 1:02:30 10:05
1266 Gabby Digiacomo F3034 2867 134/260 1152/2609 1:02:30 10:05
4581 Paige Sawyer F2024 2868 178/349 1153/2609 1:02:31 10:05

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