114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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10255 Clarisa Torres F2529 2750 166/356 1097/2609 1:01:35 9:56
6941 Dan Miller M5559 2751 86/188 1654/2629 1:01:35 9:56
3671 Timothy Mootz M1619 2752 132/169 1655/2629 1:01:35 9:56
10412 Madeline Riley F2024 2753 166/349 1098/2609 1:01:36 9:56
3834 Logan Nichols M0115 2754 89/140 1656/2629 1:01:36 9:57
3243 Bella Madden F0115 2755 72/128 1099/2609 1:01:38 9:57
5265 Jeffrey Tecau M4549 2756 121/191 1657/2629 1:01:38 9:57
9976 Cole Tecau M0115 2757 90/140 1658/2629 1:01:38 9:57
3835 Wes Nichols M3539 2758 206/287 1659/2629 1:01:39 9:57
6295 Anna Lohrer F2024 2759 167/349 1100/2609 1:01:41 9:57
8275 Trisha Linnemann F3034 2760 126/260 1101/2609 1:01:43 9:58
3088 Mitchell Lewis M1619 2761 133/169 1660/2629 1:01:43 9:58
1671 Brady Funke M2529 2762 222/318 1661/2629 1:01:43 9:58
9733 Aquil Tolbert M3539 2763 207/287 1662/2629 1:01:43 9:58
9649 Travis Spears M2529 2764 223/318 1663/2629 1:01:43 9:58
8276 Kyle Linnemann M3539 2765 208/287 1664/2629 1:01:44 9:58
6822 James Gerwe M3539 2766 209/287 1665/2629 1:01:44 9:58
357 Scott Berens M5054 2767 114/200 1666/2629 1:01:44 9:58
4428 Elizabeth Root F3034 2768 127/260 1102/2609 1:01:45 9:58
2794 Adam Knecht M5054 2769 115/200 1667/2629 1:01:45 9:58
3044 Erika Lee F2529 2770 167/356 1103/2609 1:01:45 9:58
7516 Melody Feazell F2024 2771 168/349 1104/2609 1:01:46 9:58
4463 Tara Routson F4044 2772 91/223 1105/2609 1:01:46 9:58
1689 Christina Gao F2529 2773 168/356 1106/2609 1:01:46 9:58
4572 Rafael Sato M3034 2774 211/299 1668/2629 1:01:46 9:58
7128 Marshal Compton M6569 2775 28/91 1669/2629 1:01:47 9:58
10377 Kevin Sheridan M5054 2776 116/200 1670/2629 1:01:47 9:58
10153 Darius Lomack M3034 2777 212/299 1671/2629 1:01:48 9:58
8866 Drew Dunneback M0115 2778 91/140 1672/2629 1:01:48 9:59
2018 Ann Hanson F6064 2779 27/124 1107/2609 1:01:49 9:59
6381 Robert Morgan M2024 2780 213/284 1673/2629 1:01:49 9:59
6020 Brian Doerger M2529 2781 224/318 1674/2629 1:01:49 9:59
9308 Gillian Miller F2024 2782 169/349 1108/2609 1:01:50 9:59
9312 Matt Miller M5559 2783 87/188 1675/2629 1:01:50 9:59
3380 Christa McAndrew F5054 2784 51/186 1109/2609 1:01:51 9:59
5219 David Szwejbka M6569 2785 29/91 1676/2629 1:01:52 9:59
7593 Stephanie Harp F4044 2786 92/223 1110/2609 1:01:52 9:59
6143 Diane Hammons F5054 2787 52/186 1111/2609 1:01:53 9:59
8842 Mike Donnelly M5054 2788 117/200 1677/2629 1:01:53 9:59
7301 Darrell Schnieders M3539 2789 210/287 1678/2629 1:01:54 9:59

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