30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3054 Alicia Burgess F4549 923 33/72 426/711 39:01 12:35
3452 Connor Hudson M3034 924 28/45 498/662 39:01 12:35
4133 Judi Cook F5559 925 18/39 427/711 39:03 12:36
3755 Mack Shaw M10UN 926 38/48 499/662 39:05 12:37
3593 Deanna Faulkner F4549 927 34/72 428/711 39:05 12:37
3663 Michael Lu M4549 928 48/64 500/662 39:06 12:37
3132 Lori Jennings F6569 929 3/13 429/711 39:09 12:38
3113 Sheila Lee F4549 930 35/72 430/711 39:09 12:38
3237 Brooks Horton M10UN 931 39/48 501/662 39:10 12:38
4044 Bentley Dewispelare M10UN 932 40/48 502/662 39:10 12:38
3109 Kassaundra Shearn F2529 933 38/56 431/711 39:10 12:38
3564 Caroline Mrozik F10UN 934 19/31 432/711 39:11 12:39
3508 Gary Hauser Bordes M10UN 935 41/48 503/662 39:12 12:39
4117 Crystal Sabau F4044 936 41/69 433/711 39:13 12:39
3566 Holly Mrozik F3539 937 37/53 434/711 39:14 12:40
3240 Karoline Horton F3539 938 38/53 435/711 39:15 12:40
4198 Drew Johnson F2529 939 39/56 436/711 39:16 12:40
4303 Simone Yoder F4044 940 42/69 437/711 39:16 12:40
3000 Jerrad Wolfe M4549 941 49/64 504/662 39:17 12:41
4451 James O'Donoghue M4044 942 50/62 505/662 39:20 12:42
3142 Wade Espat M1519 943 56/60 506/662 39:20 12:42
3510 Kim Reboul F4549 944 36/72 438/711 39:21 12:42
4480 Sophie Skalla F1114 945 42/52 439/711 39:23 12:43
4481 Marc Skalla M4549 946 50/64 507/662 39:23 12:43
4300 Martha Benson F5559 947 19/39 440/711 39:25 12:43
3698 Ashley Johnson F4044 948 43/69 441/711 39:27 12:44
4419 Martha Wynn Senter F1519 949 68/82 442/711 39:31 12:45
3310 Dale Harney F5559 950 20/39 443/711 39:31 12:45
3604 Deb Wilson F5054 951 39/71 444/711 39:36 12:47
4009 Molly Griffith F1114 952 43/52 445/711 39:38 12:47
3196 Mickie Dilley F6064 953 11/30 446/711 39:40 12:48
3765 Amanda Linnell F4044 954 44/69 447/711 39:40 12:48
3763 Colton Linnell M1114 955 71/78 508/662 39:41 12:48
3140 Brandy Worgo F4549 956 37/72 448/711 39:41 12:48
4333 Carol Smith F7074 957 3/12 449/711 39:42 12:49
3377 Alison Stimac F4044 958 45/69 450/711 39:47 12:50
4378 Rachel Johnson F4549 959 38/72 451/711 39:47 12:50
3158 Mike Baum M4044 960 51/62 509/662 39:52 12:52
3159 Hunt Hollis M1114 961 72/78 510/662 39:52 12:52
3526 Koehler Anderson M3539 962 37/42 511/662 39:53 12:52

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