114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4097 Diane Pieples F5054 3418 72/186 1451/2609 1:07:45 10:56
4531 Julia Sager F2024 3419 213/349 1452/2609 1:07:47 10:56
6052 Jon Fickenworth M5559 3420 121/188 1968/2629 1:07:47 10:56
4676 James Schrand M3034 3421 247/299 1969/2629 1:07:47 10:56
1816 Bridgett Golden F4549 3422 105/211 1453/2609 1:07:48 10:56
7489 Tran Day M3034 3423 248/299 1970/2629 1:07:49 10:57
3557 Douglas Millay M4044 3424 196/228 1971/2629 1:07:49 10:57
4382 Rob Robison M5559 3425 122/188 1972/2629 1:07:49 10:57
3556 Claire Millay F0115 3426 80/128 1454/2609 1:07:49 10:57
7637 Christy Kammerer F2529 3427 217/356 1455/2609 1:07:49 10:57
7979 Hailey Wilson F3034 3428 164/260 1456/2609 1:07:50 10:57
8315 Joe Behler M6064 3429 94/166 1973/2629 1:07:50 10:57
3636 Tanner Moeves M2529 3430 253/318 1974/2629 1:07:50 10:57
4244 Lisa Reavill F5054 3431 73/186 1457/2609 1:07:50 10:57
3768 Ruby Napora F2024 3432 214/349 1458/2609 1:07:50 10:57
7978 Aaron Wilson M3034 3433 249/299 1975/2629 1:07:50 10:57
928 Shane Coleman M3034 3434 250/299 1976/2629 1:07:50 10:57
5708 Robert Wilson M6064 3435 95/166 1977/2629 1:07:51 10:57
4243 Chloe Reavill F2024 3436 215/349 1459/2609 1:07:51 10:57
927 Katie Coleman F3539 3437 161/252 1460/2609 1:07:52 10:57
3143 Abby Lockard F1619 3438 190/250 1461/2609 1:07:53 10:57
1092 Nathan Cullen M2024 3439 235/284 1978/2629 1:07:53 10:57
3911 Brendan Oconnor M4044 3440 197/228 1979/2629 1:07:54 10:57
8604 Trevor Ball M3539 3441 232/287 1980/2629 1:07:54 10:58
4509 Madison Rylee F2529 3442 218/356 1462/2609 1:07:55 10:58
4051 Bill Pelgen M6064 3443 96/166 1981/2629 1:07:55 10:58
6803 Andrew Fischer M2529 3444 254/318 1982/2629 1:07:55 10:58
4666 Deke Schnell M7074 3445 13/41 1983/2629 1:07:56 10:58
9036 Robert Haug M4549 3446 153/191 1984/2629 1:07:56 10:58
2564 Samuel Jordan-Keller M2529 3447 255/318 1985/2629 1:07:58 10:58
4253 Casey Reckman F4044 3448 130/223 1463/2609 1:07:58 10:58
1728 Isabella Geraci F2024 3449 216/349 1464/2609 1:07:58 10:58
4512 Steve Sabers M5054 3450 138/200 1986/2629 1:07:59 10:58
3144 Dave Lockard M6064 3451 97/166 1987/2629 1:07:59 10:58
4387 Maria Rockett F2529 3452 219/356 1465/2609 1:07:59 10:58
1057 Bartholomew Craver M3539 3453 233/287 1988/2629 1:07:59 10:58
4386 David Rockett M6064 3454 98/166 1989/2629 1:07:59 10:58
6220 Elena Jordan-Keller F2529 3455 220/356 1466/2609 1:08:00 10:58
1059 Dillon Craver M0115 3456 106/140 1990/2629 1:08:00 10:58
2581 Tara Kaiser F5559 3457 70/168 1467/2609 1:08:00 10:59

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