NorthShore Inline Marathon - 2008

Open Class - Marathon


September 13, 2008 in Duluth, MN

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Open Class - Marathon - Results

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7244 Paul Ittner M5054 947 126/213 757/1355 1:42:37 3:55
3278 Janet Lauseng F4549 948 36/121 191/934 1:42:37 3:55
2249 Walter Krapohl M4549 949 127/209 758/1355 1:42:38 3:55
4062 Jason Boon M3034 950 70/114 759/1355 1:42:41 3:55
4074 Cordelia Anderson F5054 951 16/75 192/934 1:42:43 3:56
4078 Pat McKenna M4044 952 108/176 760/1355 1:42:44 3:56
2145 Eric Kramlinger M1824 953 33/73 761/1355 1:42:44 3:56
2066 Jeff Gray M5054 954 127/213 762/1355 1:42:45 3:56
3129 David Hillila M4549 955 128/209 763/1355 1:42:46 3:56
7129 Becky Miller F2529 956 25/150 193/934 1:42:54 3:56
4019 Arnold Overby M7074 957 7/12 764/1355 1:42:55 3:56
3289 Kevin McKnight M4549 958 129/209 765/1355 1:43:00 3:56
5114 Mike Gallagher M4044 959 109/176 766/1355 1:43:01 3:56
5275 Rick Jensen M3539 960 81/140 767/1355 1:43:01 3:56
5086 Michael Schierman M5054 961 128/213 768/1355 1:43:01 3:56
2005 Verna Westin F5054 962 17/75 194/934 1:43:01 3:56
5180 Heidi Dalsin F3034 963 27/102 195/934 1:43:02 3:56
5179 Christian Catron M3539 964 82/140 769/1355 1:43:03 3:56
5225 Alyssa Kamrowski F1824 965 15/156 196/934 1:43:03 3:56
3275 Virgil Delegard M6569 966 18/41 770/1355 1:43:04 3:56
3205 Vena Burch F6569 967 1/7 197/934 1:43:04 3:56
5234 Erin Thornton F1824 968 16/156 198/934 1:43:06 3:56
7215 Mark Lindberg M4549 969 130/209 771/1355 1:43:07 3:56
3146 Richard Carr M5054 970 129/213 772/1355 1:43:07 3:56
7015 Kris Rinaldi F4549 971 37/121 199/934 1:43:09 3:57
2047 Melissa King F3034 972 28/102 200/934 1:43:13 3:57
1312 Jean Richard F4549 973 38/121 201/934 1:43:13 3:57
4081 Eric Tribe M4044 974 110/176 773/1355 1:43:13 3:57
4038 Patricia Larkin F5559 975 4/27 202/934 1:43:16 3:57
6270 Joey Larsen M1824 976 34/73 774/1355 1:43:17 3:57
6265 Steve Sheldon M3539 977 83/140 775/1355 1:43:18 3:57
3004 Carla Wilson F5054 978 18/75 203/934 1:43:19 3:57
3299 Christine Stitt F4549 979 39/121 204/934 1:43:19 3:57
6137 Megan Kraushaar F1824 980 17/156 205/934 1:43:22 3:57
2235 David Munyer M3034 981 71/114 776/1355 1:43:25 3:57
3108 Elizabeth Passman Nelson F6064 982 6/18 206/934 1:43:26 3:57
3005 Bruce Wilson M5054 983 130/213 777/1355 1:43:27 3:57
4060 Mark Carrico M6569 984 19/41 778/1355 1:43:28 3:57
2283 Mark Velner M4549 985 131/209 779/1355 1:43:29 3:57
3049 Todd Isaacs M4044 986 111/176 780/1355 1:43:29 3:57

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