30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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3190 Zach Rettig M4044 401 21/62 259/662 28:51 9:19
3883 Bekah Pendergast F2024 402 17/78 143/711 28:53 9:19
3203 Sienna Zizzi F1519 403 34/82 144/711 28:54 9:20
3545 Ainsley Gabbani F2529 404 10/56 145/711 28:55 9:20
3615 Isabel Benson F1519 405 35/82 146/711 28:57 9:21
4104 Madelyn Cone F10UN 406 4/31 147/711 28:58 9:21
3980 Parker Dowdy M2024 407 23/48 260/662 28:58 9:21
3781 William Cornman M10UN 408 20/48 261/662 29:00 9:22
3737 Martin Smith M5054 409 21/63 262/662 29:02 9:22
3831 Jayson Rose M2529 410 18/41 263/662 29:02 9:22
4444 Dakota King F2529 411 11/56 148/711 29:03 9:22
3121 Connor Gibson M10UN 412 21/48 264/662 29:03 9:23
4050 William Culpepper M4549 413 20/64 265/662 29:04 9:23
3575 Callahan Phillips F2024 414 18/78 149/711 29:05 9:23
3401 Cooper Milner M1519 415 44/60 266/662 29:05 9:23
3119 David Gibson M4044 416 22/62 267/662 29:05 9:23
4105 Ryan Cone M4044 417 23/62 268/662 29:06 9:24
3402 William Milner M1519 418 45/60 269/662 29:07 9:24
3624 Patrice Miller F6064 419 3/30 150/711 29:07 9:24
3052 Jake Burgess M2024 420 24/48 270/662 29:08 9:24
3270 Nikki Neely F4549 421 6/72 151/711 29:11 9:25
3169 Kate Goodwin F1519 422 36/82 152/711 29:11 9:25
4447 Sydney Clouse F1519 423 37/82 153/711 29:12 9:25
3531 Carl Fleming M4044 424 24/62 271/662 29:12 9:25
4280 Trey Cooper M2024 425 25/48 272/662 29:14 9:26
4166 Brighton Ellisor F2529 426 12/56 154/711 29:15 9:26
3444 Van Rieman M3034 427 11/45 273/662 29:16 9:27
3511 Lindsay Farley F3539 428 15/53 155/711 29:17 9:27
4201 Jennifer Hogg F3539 429 16/53 156/711 29:17 9:27
4442 Nicole Blain F5054 430 7/71 157/711 29:17 9:27
3832 Mandisha Rose F3034 431 16/49 158/711 29:18 9:27
4202 Caleb Hogg M3539 432 20/42 274/662 29:18 9:28
3899 Abby Butler F2529 433 13/56 159/711 29:18 9:28
4214 Haley Cooper F2529 434 14/56 160/711 29:19 9:28
4123 Kimberly Cleland F4044 435 13/69 161/711 29:19 9:28
4004 Blaney Hudson F2024 436 19/78 162/711 29:23 9:29
3682 Jason Ingram M4549 437 21/64 275/662 29:23 9:29
3051 Drew Burgess M1519 438 46/60 276/662 29:24 9:29
3020 Suzanna Ney F5054 439 8/71 163/711 29:24 9:29
3688 Meredith Blankenship F3034 440 17/49 164/711 29:24 9:29

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