30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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3818 Nash Jennings M10UN 265 11/48 189/662 26:57 8:42
3265 Kimberly Stigers F6064 266 1/30 77/711 26:57 8:42
3617 Taylor Benson M1519 267 37/60 190/662 26:58 8:42
4120 David Campbell M5559 268 5/38 191/662 26:59 8:43
3718 Christopher King M4549 269 14/64 192/662 26:59 8:43
3720 Bella King F1114 270 17/52 78/711 26:59 8:43
4448 Samuel Weaver M1114 271 42/78 193/662 26:59 8:43
4283 Sean Blomquist M4549 272 15/64 194/662 27:00 8:43
3792 Amanda Norton F4044 273 6/69 79/711 27:02 8:43
3059 Lillian Smith F1519 274 17/82 80/711 27:03 8:44
4033 Ella Glover F1519 275 18/82 81/711 27:05 8:45
3255 Stephen Yachimski M1519 276 38/60 195/662 27:05 8:45
4449 William Weaver M5054 277 12/63 196/662 27:06 8:45
3271 Warren Sullivan M5054 278 13/63 197/662 27:06 8:45
4029 Kayla Sines F1519 279 19/82 82/711 27:06 8:45
3758 Caleigh Hankins F5559 280 2/39 83/711 27:07 8:45
3760 Colton Presley M2024 281 19/48 198/662 27:07 8:45
4187 Mark McClune M4549 282 16/64 199/662 27:10 8:46
4126 Noah Pontiff M3539 283 15/42 200/662 27:11 8:46
3816 Chris Tardio M4044 284 16/62 201/662 27:11 8:46
3347 Madison Wineburg F2024 285 10/78 84/711 27:11 8:46
3150 Sandy Hodgson F6064 286 2/30 85/711 27:12 8:47
185 Ben Carpenter M1519 287 39/60 202/662 27:12 8:47
184 Alex Carpenter M3539 288 16/42 203/662 27:12 8:47
3061 Luke Healy M1114 289 43/78 204/662 27:12 8:47
3835 Daniel Weinisman M1114 290 44/78 205/662 27:16 8:48
3994 Andrew Smith M1114 291 45/78 206/662 27:16 8:48
3105 Ania Rejniak F1519 292 20/82 86/711 27:17 8:48
3304 Addison Fadden F1519 293 21/82 87/711 27:19 8:49
220 Clay Daniels M10UN 294 12/48 207/662 27:20 8:49
4369 Blair Hilley F1114 295 18/52 88/711 27:20 8:50
3219 Patrick Johnson M1114 296 46/78 208/662 27:21 8:50
3217 Katie Johnson F4044 297 7/69 89/711 27:21 8:50
3163 Hunter Whitlock M1114 298 47/78 209/662 27:22 8:50
3118 Heather Gibson F3539 299 10/53 90/711 27:22 8:50
4059 Mary Lafitte Buster F3539 300 11/53 91/711 27:22 8:50
4032 Chloe Glover F1519 301 22/82 92/711 27:22 8:50
3722 Amy King F4044 302 8/69 93/711 27:23 8:50
3428 Unknown Runner M 303 2/11 210/662 27:25 8:51
3120 Bailey Gibson F10UN 304 3/31 94/711 27:25 8:51

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