114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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7346 Allison Weaver F3539 1681 65/252 550/2609 55:09 8:54
9265 Tom McHugh M5559 1682 49/188 1132/2629 55:10 8:54
7344 Eric Valentine M2529 1683 148/318 1133/2629 55:10 8:54
10367 Augusta Battoclette F2024 1684 91/349 551/2609 55:10 8:54
3405 Ryan McDaniel M4044 1685 111/228 1134/2629 55:10 8:54
3404 Kayla McDaniel F3034 1686 60/260 552/2609 55:10 8:54
1546 Renee Filiatraut F6064 1687 16/124 553/2609 55:10 8:54
5235 Christopher Tassone M3034 1688 156/299 1135/2629 55:10 8:54
9264 Erin McHugh F2024 1689 92/349 554/2609 55:11 8:54
10345 Allison Mathis F2529 1690 82/356 555/2609 55:11 8:54
5358 Krista Tucker F4044 1691 45/223 556/2609 55:11 8:55
7710 Ellie Mays F1619 1692 77/250 557/2609 55:12 8:55
3656 Abigail Moore F1619 1693 78/250 558/2609 55:12 8:55
1938 Mike Guthrie M3539 1694 147/287 1136/2629 55:13 8:55
5641 Kelly Wiesman F1619 1695 79/250 559/2609 55:13 8:55
7503 Tanya Dribin F3539 1696 66/252 560/2609 55:13 8:55
2793 Kyle Knauf M3034 1697 157/299 1137/2629 55:14 8:55
3134 Caitlin Linz F0115 1698 43/128 561/2609 55:14 8:55
7877 Hilary Vandermolen F3539 1699 67/252 562/2609 55:14 8:55
9577 Allen Seiden M6569 1700 21/91 1138/2629 55:14 8:55
3730 Patrick Murphy M3034 1701 158/299 1139/2629 55:15 8:55
6174 Bradley Hickman M2024 1702 155/284 1140/2629 55:15 8:55
6926 Caitlin Maisch F3034 1703 61/260 563/2609 55:16 8:55
7740 Vincent Nguyen M2024 1704 156/284 1141/2629 55:16 8:55
2344 Teri Horn F3539 1705 68/252 564/2609 55:16 8:55
5530 Caroline Waller F2024 1706 93/349 565/2609 55:16 8:55
6699 Ingrid Zimmerman F2024 1707 94/349 566/2609 55:17 8:55
8378 Connor Mann M2024 1708 157/284 1142/2629 55:17 8:55
9467 Kyle Rickett M2529 1709 149/318 1143/2629 55:17 8:55
3073 Melissa Lesaint F4549 1710 32/211 567/2609 55:17 8:55
2070 Jeffrey Hartman M4549 1711 78/191 1144/2629 55:18 8:55
3460 John McMaken M6064 1712 37/166 1145/2629 55:19 8:56
7583 Dakota Hamilton M2024 1713 158/284 1146/2629 55:19 8:56
2776 Kristen Kline F3539 1714 69/252 568/2609 55:19 8:56
5906 Christa Bishop F5054 1715 28/186 569/2609 55:19 8:56
8473 Steve Carrington M5054 1716 72/200 1147/2629 55:20 8:56
8054 John Perkins M0115 1717 61/140 1148/2629 55:21 8:56
345 Morgan Bensman F3034 1718 62/260 570/2609 55:21 8:56
3371 Evan Mazzei M0115 1719 62/140 1149/2629 55:21 8:56
3370 Emily Mazzei F0115 1720 44/128 571/2609 55:22 8:56

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