4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

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displaying: 1 - 39 of 39
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3590 Shari Lewinski F4049 372 33/43 196/247 50:30 12:38
3901 Jamal Riley M3039 373 50/55 176/201 51:04 12:46
3630 Carey Lemmons F3039 374 77/90 197/247 51:11 12:48
3908 Megan Salmon F2029 375 51/55 198/247 51:13 12:49
3617 Holly Brown F2029 376 52/55 199/247 51:24 12:51
3846 Andrea Lewis F3039 377 78/90 200/247 51:31 12:53
3823 Greg Johnson M6069 378 18/22 177/201 51:44 12:56
3778 Cameron Fletcher M1319 379 14/18 178/201 51:46 12:57
3798 Allison Hart F0112 380 4/7 201/247 51:47 12:57
3801 Lisa Hart F4049 381 34/43 202/247 51:48 12:57
3783 Tina Garczynski F4049 382 35/43 203/247 51:55 12:59
3868 Sarah Moore F1319 383 8/11 204/247 51:55 12:59
6776 John Sullivan M4049 385 38/39 179/201 52:31 13:08
6607 Gerald Ellersdorfer M70UP 386 5/6 180/201 52:35 13:09
3650 Adam Whitehead M2029 387 37/37 181/201 52:42 13:11
3755 Laverne Contreras F4049 388 36/43 206/247 52:56 13:14
3545 Wanda Carlile F6069 389 7/14 207/247 52:59 13:15
6753 Liz Roberts F2029 390 53/55 208/247 53:00 13:15
3592 Colleen Moore F3039 391 79/90 209/247 53:00 13:15
3747 Marty Carey F5059 392 23/25 210/247 53:09 13:18
3588 Kay Pacheco F6069 393 8/14 211/247 53:27 13:22
3722 Nick Bauman M0112 394 3/5 182/201 53:41 13:26
3674 Gail Murphy-Geiss F4049 395 37/43 212/247 54:00 13:30
3534 Eileen Thournir F5059 396 24/25 213/247 54:24 13:36
3767 Jeanna Doyle F2029 397 54/55 214/247 54:47 13:42
3602 Kim Ellison F3039 398 80/90 215/247 55:10 13:48
3691 Cathy Steffek F3039 399 81/90 216/247 55:10 13:48
3566 Andrea Banks F4049 400 38/43 217/247 55:42 13:56
3706 Frank Brcka M3039 401 51/55 183/201 55:44 13:56
3544 Jason Whitesell M3039 402 52/55 184/201 56:35 14:09
3802 Heather Hartland F3039 403 82/90 218/247 56:44 14:11
3567 Rachel Harlow-Schalk F3039 404 83/90 219/247 56:52 14:13
3680 Sean McGaugh M3039 405 53/55 185/201 57:08 14:17
3902 Laura Rip F2029 406 55/55 220/247 57:09 14:18
3871 John Morley M6069 407 19/22 186/201 57:30 14:23
3949 Crystal Winfrey F1319 408 9/11 221/247 57:59 14:30
3662 Lauren Stevens F0112 409 5/7 222/247 58:20 14:35
3635 Pam Murdock F6069 410 9/14 223/247 58:27 14:37
3601 Shannon Sheppard F3039 411 84/90 224/247 58:46 14:42

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