Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1601 Erin Jabs F1934 509 86/292 223/777 29:53 29:12 9:24
1214 Amy Raisanen F1934 510 87/292 224/777 29:25 29:13 9:25
508 Waylon Wittkopf M1934 511 103/153 287/508 30:10 29:13 9:25
1069 Carol Klitzke F6064 512 2/15 225/777 29:46 29:15 9:25
1160 Kathryn Pickhartz F4549 513 17/64 226/777 30:16 29:15 9:25
1529 Alyssa Bartosh F1934 514 88/292 227/777 29:28 29:15 9:25
1177 Maija Rannikko F1318 515 45/81 228/777 29:37 29:15 9:25
1453 Rachel Ofstie F1318 516 46/81 229/777 29:56 29:18 9:26
1387 Shelby Kline F1934 517 89/292 230/777 29:32 29:18 9:26
1378 Janet Ward F6569 518 2/14 231/777 30:10 29:18 9:26
1812 Nancy Lasch F4549 519 18/64 232/777 29:52 29:19 9:26
1778 Ali McMann F1318 520 47/81 233/777 30:06 29:19 9:27
1647 Gloria Phillips F5559 521 8/40 234/777 29:50 29:20 9:27
1337 Kristine Owata F1934 522 90/292 235/777 29:31 29:21 9:27
177 Benjamin Marsh M1934 523 104/153 288/508 29:48 29:21 9:27
1271 Jamie Laudner F1934 524 91/292 236/777 29:48 29:21 9:27
1105 Tonya Anderson F3539 525 24/95 237/777 29:30 29:21 9:27
1496 Tracy Johnson F3539 526 25/95 238/777 30:13 29:22 9:27
1167 Lauren Antonich F1318 527 48/81 239/777 29:40 29:22 9:28
594 Nate Atkinson M1318 528 53/64 289/508 29:47 29:26 9:29
379 Jonathan Hedin M0112 529 20/43 290/508 29:40 29:27 9:29
631 Zachariah Coughlin M0112 530 21/43 291/508 29:44 29:28 9:29
16 James Kappenman M1934 531 105/153 292/508 29:53 29:30 9:30
1621 Gwenda Johnson F4044 532 13/59 240/777 29:56 29:31 9:30
292 Jack Alexander M80UP 533 1/1 293/508 29:37 29:33 9:31
1555 Mary Pease F1934 534 92/292 241/777 30:22 29:35 9:32
1551 Britta Baker F1318 535 49/81 242/777 30:34 29:36 9:32
264 Ivan Holmquist M1318 536 54/64 294/508 29:49 29:38 9:33
1023 Jacqueline Trott F3539 537 26/95 243/777 30:29 29:38 9:33
1111 Kiah Ziells F1318 538 50/81 244/777 30:30 29:39 9:33
1508 Holly Hutkowski F1934 539 93/292 245/777 29:48 29:40 9:33
1336 Julia Curran F1934 540 94/292 246/777 29:54 29:40 9:33
1524 Tracy Brower F4549 541 19/64 247/777 29:57 29:40 9:33
342 Jason Nordlund M1934 542 106/153 295/508 29:44 29:41 9:34
625 Brent Larson M0112 543 22/43 296/508 29:56 29:44 9:34
429 Mickey Coughlan M5559 544 10/27 297/508 30:43 29:45 9:35
1926 Renee Coughlin F5054 545 14/53 248/777 30:02 29:46 9:35
247 Nathaniel Saamanen M1934 546 107/153 298/508 30:50 29:46 9:35
1747 Sandy Matthews F5054 547 15/53 249/777 30:44 29:49 9:36
68 Wes Kilgore M1934 548 108/153 299/508 29:54 29:50 9:36

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