30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3304 Addison Fadden F1519 293 21/82 87/711 27:19 8:49
220 Clay Daniels M10UN 294 12/48 207/662 27:20 8:49
4369 Blair Hilley F1114 295 18/52 88/711 27:20 8:50
3219 Patrick Johnson M1114 296 46/78 208/662 27:21 8:50
3217 Katie Johnson F4044 297 7/69 89/711 27:21 8:50
3163 Hunter Whitlock M1114 298 47/78 209/662 27:22 8:50
3118 Heather Gibson F3539 299 10/53 90/711 27:22 8:50
4059 Mary Lafitte Buster F3539 300 11/53 91/711 27:22 8:50
4032 Chloe Glover F1519 301 22/82 92/711 27:22 8:50
3722 Amy King F4044 302 8/69 93/711 27:23 8:50
3428 Unknown Runner M 303 2/11 210/662 27:25 8:51
3120 Bailey Gibson F10UN 304 3/31 94/711 27:25 8:51
4173 Alexis Stanton F2024 305 11/78 95/711 27:29 8:52
3134 Heather Sprigler M3539 306 17/42 211/662 27:31 8:53
3852 Colin Kelly M2024 307 20/48 212/662 27:32 8:53
4039 Maya Adamson F1114 308 19/52 96/711 27:33 8:54
4388 Corynne Hammit F2024 309 12/78 97/711 27:34 8:54
4287 Ashton Marmota F3539 310 12/53 98/711 27:35 8:54
3783 Isabella Cobb F1519 311 23/82 99/711 27:35 8:54
3895 Jake Epker M5054 312 14/63 213/662 27:35 8:54
3805 Jolie Guz F2529 313 7/56 100/711 27:36 8:54
3896 Melissa Epker F5054 314 3/71 101/711 27:36 8:54
4290 Unknown Runner M 315 3/11 214/662 27:38 8:55
4306 Jaci Sievers F1519 316 24/82 102/711 27:38 8:55
4047 Lindsay Pruett F3034 317 10/49 103/711 27:38 8:55
4288 Aiden Dubourg M10UN 318 13/48 215/662 27:40 8:56
3684 Nola Ingram F1519 319 25/82 104/711 27:42 8:57
3057 Mike Cosgrove M5054 320 15/63 216/662 27:43 8:57
3023 Jackson Gall M10UN 321 14/48 217/662 27:43 8:57
3855 Emma Clark F1519 322 26/82 105/711 27:44 8:57
3201 Caitlyn Pinsker F1519 323 27/82 106/711 27:44 8:57
3449 Alexis Schefka F3034 324 11/49 107/711 27:46 8:58
4430 Will Greene M1114 325 48/78 218/662 27:52 9:00
4425 Jeffry Johnson M5054 326 16/63 219/662 27:53 9:00
3200 Brian Pinsker M5054 327 17/63 220/662 27:54 9:00
4142 Stephen Calcote M2529 328 15/41 221/662 27:56 9:01
4428 Luke Greene M10UN 329 15/48 222/662 27:58 9:02
3590 Waylon Messer M1519 330 40/60 223/662 27:59 9:02
3411 Brian Hartmann M3539 331 18/42 224/662 27:59 9:02
3866 Cande Olsen F7074 332 1/12 108/711 27:59 9:02

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