30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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4168 Jack William Taub M1519 190 31/60 143/662 25:27 8:13
3131 Kara Creech F3539 191 4/53 48/711 25:27 8:13
3103 Iris Mesler F1519 192 13/82 49/711 25:29 8:14
3115 Scott Saunders M5054 193 9/63 144/662 25:30 8:14
3960 Kyle Sauers M5054 194 10/63 145/662 25:31 8:14
3395 Hunter Russell F1114 195 12/52 50/711 25:31 8:14
4108 Beth Haynes F5054 196 2/71 51/711 25:32 8:14
3627 Weston Miller M2024 197 14/48 146/662 25:32 8:15
3068 Madison Collum F2024 198 6/78 52/711 25:35 8:16
3903 George Jennings M1114 199 29/78 147/662 25:35 8:16
3396 Harrison Russell M1114 200 30/78 148/662 25:36 8:16
3744 Thomas Mercer M6064 201 2/32 149/662 25:36 8:16
3964 Chris Bannerman M1519 202 32/60 150/662 25:37 8:16
3969 Michael Bannerman M2024 203 15/48 151/662 25:37 8:16
4395 Caleb Flake M4549 204 11/64 152/662 25:40 8:17
3524 Charles Anderson M3539 205 9/42 153/662 25:41 8:18
4491 Lesley Young F3539 206 5/53 53/711 25:41 8:18
4109 Tirso Celedon M5054 207 11/63 154/662 25:42 8:18
4058 William Buster M1114 208 31/78 155/662 25:42 8:18
4121 Colin Campbell M2024 209 16/48 156/662 25:43 8:18
3827 Baker Weeden M1519 210 33/60 157/662 25:43 8:18
4323 Elle Bragga F1519 211 14/82 54/711 25:45 8:19
3125 Sydney Hebert F1114 212 13/52 55/711 25:46 8:19
3374 Josh Horne M4549 213 12/64 158/662 25:47 8:19
3554 Will Parr M1114 214 32/78 159/662 25:47 8:20
4086 Davis Dragon M1519 215 34/60 160/662 25:49 8:20
4228 James Conner M1519 216 35/60 161/662 25:49 8:20
3833 Luke Luskin M1114 217 33/78 162/662 25:50 8:20
3922 Gregory Rockenbaugh Jr M10UN 218 9/48 163/662 25:54 8:22
4091 Carter Reese M1114 219 34/78 164/662 25:55 8:22
3390 Leanne Walton F3539 220 6/53 56/711 25:58 8:23
4459 Andrew Barnes M1114 221 35/78 165/662 26:00 8:23
3844 Liam Shepherd M1519 222 36/60 166/662 26:01 8:24
3527 Quincy Anderson M3034 223 7/45 167/662 26:02 8:24
3675 Frank Brown M1114 224 36/78 168/662 26:10 8:27
4279 Chase Cowart M2024 225 17/48 169/662 26:12 8:27
4298 Lisa Podos F5559 226 1/39 57/711 26:12 8:27
4372 Stef Modares F3034 227 5/49 58/711 26:12 8:28
4035 Faye Scott Ferrell F1114 228 14/52 59/711 26:13 8:28
3519 Ben Wallerstein M4549 229 13/64 170/662 26:15 8:28

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