114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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2361 Alec Houston M2529 2551 210/318 1571/2629 1:00:25 9:45
3520 Alyssa Merk F2529 2552 149/356 981/2609 1:00:26 9:45
9249 Camron Mattingly M3539 2553 198/287 1572/2629 1:00:26 9:45
3988 Madeline Palmer F2529 2554 150/356 982/2609 1:00:26 9:45
5997 Zoe Crabtree F2529 2555 151/356 983/2609 1:00:26 9:45
8202 Abby Crowley F0115 2556 64/128 984/2609 1:00:27 9:45
1495 Kanishka Fayyaz M2024 2557 203/284 1573/2629 1:00:27 9:45
2140 Teri Heines F5559 2558 39/168 985/2609 1:00:28 9:46
2600 Kalen Karasiak M4044 2559 157/228 1574/2629 1:00:28 9:46
1587 Amy Flynn F3034 2560 112/260 986/2609 1:00:28 9:46
5389 Max Van Apeldoorn M3034 2561 197/299 1575/2629 1:00:28 9:46
2716 Bethany Kilgore F4549 2562 69/211 987/2609 1:00:28 9:46
10297 Kyle Danbury M3034 2563 198/299 1576/2629 1:00:29 9:46
4776 Ashley Selembo F2024 2564 153/349 988/2609 1:00:29 9:46
1003 Tiziana Coppola F3539 2565 105/252 989/2609 1:00:29 9:46
1342 Henry Drewyer M3034 2566 199/299 1577/2629 1:00:29 9:46
1063 Hannah Creager F1619 2567 141/250 990/2609 1:00:29 9:46
4583 Leila Saxena F5054 2568 45/186 991/2609 1:00:30 9:46
4440 Erik Ross M3539 2569 199/287 1578/2629 1:00:30 9:46
7986 Trevor Bonar M3539 2570 200/287 1579/2629 1:00:30 9:46
3851 Megan Nielander F2529 2571 152/356 992/2609 1:00:31 9:46
3852 Thomas Nielander M6064 2572 65/166 1580/2629 1:00:31 9:46
7677 Chad Lockard M4549 2573 110/191 1581/2629 1:00:31 9:46
2075 Brian Harves M4549 2574 111/191 1582/2629 1:00:32 9:46
9780 Heather Wasco F4549 2575 70/211 993/2609 1:00:32 9:46
7136 Lara Dorenkemper F5559 2576 40/168 994/2609 1:00:32 9:46
1085 Kristina Crowley F4549 2577 71/211 995/2609 1:00:32 9:46
2676 Shawn Kerrigan M3034 2578 200/299 1583/2629 1:00:32 9:46
6418 Adrienne Palmer F3034 2579 113/260 996/2609 1:00:33 9:46
7818 Grace Shuley F1619 2580 142/250 997/2609 1:00:33 9:46
4822 Julie Sheffer F4549 2581 72/211 998/2609 1:00:33 9:46
10334 Cooper Gamble M1619 2582 129/169 1584/2629 1:00:34 9:46
1890 Janice Greenhalgh F5559 2583 41/168 999/2609 1:00:35 9:47
9132 Chase Keller M2024 2584 204/284 1585/2629 1:00:35 9:47
9028 Ty Harris M4549 2585 112/191 1586/2629 1:00:36 9:47
5625 John Whedon M6064 2586 66/166 1587/2629 1:00:37 9:47
4823 Kaci Sheffer F1619 2587 143/250 1000/2609 1:00:38 9:47
2380 Chris Hugenberg M6064 2588 67/166 1588/2629 1:00:39 9:47
1532 Valerie Fernandez F4549 2589 73/211 1001/2609 1:00:39 9:47
1687 Justin Gans M3034 2590 201/299 1589/2629 1:00:40 9:47

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