114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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8169 Carla Moore F6064 3560 43/121 1533/2605 1:09:44 11:15
6297 Natalie Lovell F1619 3561 196/250 1534/2605 1:09:45 11:15
2412 Charles Hurst M5054 3562 143/199 2028/2620 1:09:45 11:15
1091 Mallory Cullen F2024 3563 225/349 1535/2605 1:09:45 11:15
9913 Justin Neff M3539 3564 242/287 2029/2620 1:09:46 11:16
5457 Chris Villarreal M2529 3565 259/318 2030/2620 1:09:49 11:16
1012 Barb Corr F6569 3566 9/47 1536/2605 1:09:49 11:16
7803 Stephanie Sehlhorst F3539 3567 168/252 1537/2605 1:09:50 11:16
10178 Blair Breitbeil F0115 3568 84/128 1538/2605 1:09:50 11:16
3344 Liam Mason M0115 3569 109/140 2031/2620 1:09:51 11:16
3340 Emily Mason F4044 3570 140/223 1539/2605 1:09:51 11:16
8676 Gina Breitbeil F5054 3571 85/186 1540/2605 1:09:52 11:17
2824 Heather Koester F4044 3572 141/223 1541/2605 1:09:52 11:17
9007 Larry Hafertepen M6569 3573 45/91 2032/2620 1:09:52 11:17
1367 Ron Dunn M5054 3574 144/199 2033/2620 1:09:53 11:17
24 Jim Ahrman M5054 3575 145/199 2034/2620 1:09:53 11:17
5229 Kevin Talbot M2529 3576 260/318 2035/2620 1:09:53 11:17
800 Jane Carsey F2529 3577 227/356 1542/2605 1:09:54 11:17
3884 Tom Nugent M5054 3578 146/199 2036/2620 1:09:55 11:17
3882 Sadie Nugent F1619 3579 197/250 1543/2605 1:09:55 11:17
3883 Sophia Nugent F2024 3580 226/349 1544/2605 1:09:56 11:17
5518 Brad Walker M2529 3581 261/318 2037/2620 1:09:56 11:17
4015 Dawn Paul F4549 3582 112/211 1545/2605 1:09:57 11:17
3713 Allison Muck F2529 3583 228/356 1546/2605 1:09:58 11:17
3647 Karen Mondary F4044 3584 142/223 1547/2605 1:09:58 11:17
4313 Kailer Renzenbrink F2024 3585 227/349 1548/2605 1:10:00 11:18
4294 Robert Reineck M4549 3586 160/191 2038/2620 1:10:01 11:18
9668 Alexandria Steele F2529 3587 229/356 1549/2605 1:10:02 11:18
5181 Alex Suarez M2024 3588 237/284 2039/2620 1:10:04 11:19
3207 Isabel Lynch F2024 3589 228/349 1550/2605 1:10:05 11:19
9230 Robb Mangold M6064 3590 97/162 2040/2620 1:10:05 11:19
2999 Monique Landrum F2024 3591 229/349 1551/2605 1:10:05 11:19
4319 Brookelyn Rice F1619 3592 198/250 1552/2605 1:10:05 11:19
3213 Kate Lynch F2024 3593 230/349 1553/2605 1:10:05 11:19
1374 Paula Dunson F4549 3594 113/211 1554/2605 1:10:05 11:19
7067 Mary Sue Wigger F6064 3595 44/121 1555/2605 1:10:06 11:19
1373 Mark Dunson M5559 3596 126/188 2041/2620 1:10:06 11:19
10120 Erin Smith F4549 3597 114/211 1556/2605 1:10:06 11:19
4369 Tom Robillard M6064 3598 98/162 2042/2620 1:10:06 11:19
5820 Isabel York F2024 3599 231/349 1557/2605 1:10:06 11:19

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