4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3541 Meagan McCluskey F5059 243 10/25 102/247 40:21 10:06
6754 Rachel Rosa F3039 244 40/90 103/247 40:22 10:06
3929 Sara Swanagon F2029 245 30/55 104/247 40:26 10:07
3758 Chris Cosenza M2029 246 30/37 141/201 40:26 10:07
3526 Celeste Grande F4049 247 18/43 105/247 40:28 10:07
3897 Meg Rapp F2029 248 31/55 106/247 40:33 10:09
6750 Tina Porter F3039 249 41/90 107/247 40:36 10:09
3667 Mary Gonzales F4049 250 19/43 108/247 40:41 10:11
3629 Erin Lemmons F3039 251 42/90 109/247 40:44 10:11
3614 Nancy Gregorio F5059 252 11/25 110/247 40:46 10:12
3890 Emmy Ponchetti F3039 253 43/90 111/247 40:49 10:13
3851 Susan Martin F2029 254 32/55 112/247 40:50 10:13
3855 Vanessa Mayer F2029 255 33/55 113/247 41:15 10:19
3854 Jordan Mayer M2029 256 31/37 142/201 41:17 10:20
3502 Bob Parsons M6069 257 10/22 143/201 41:19 10:20
3608 John Eisen M3039 258 40/55 144/201 41:22 10:21
3912 Pam Sanelli F5059 259 12/25 114/247 41:26 10:22
3928 Alisha Stoltz F3039 260 44/90 115/247 41:32 10:23
3752 Jamie Claeys F2029 261 34/55 116/247 41:36 10:24
3679 Robert Jones M4049 262 32/39 145/201 41:38 10:25
3963 Jessica Weaver F3039 263 45/90 117/247 41:48 10:27
6767 - Baker F4049 264 20/43 118/247 41:49 10:28
3880 Rachael Nuwash F2029 265 35/55 119/247 41:52 10:28
3872 Edward Moss M6069 266 11/22 146/201 41:52 10:28
3843 Holly Lehto F2029 267 36/55 120/247 41:53 10:29
3874 Terrie Neukirch F4049 268 21/43 121/247 41:54 10:29
3522 Marlene Olivas F3039 269 46/90 122/247 41:55 10:29
3520 Marion Seese F3039 270 47/90 123/247 41:57 10:30
3770 Jennifer Ellis F3039 271 48/90 124/247 42:00 10:30
6751 Sabrina Dellebovi F5059 272 13/25 125/247 42:06 10:32
3560 Susan Wadsworth F5059 273 14/25 126/247 42:12 10:33
3561 Ross Wadsworth M6069 274 12/22 147/201 42:13 10:34
3719 Caleb Atchison M2029 275 32/37 148/201 42:17 10:35
3749 Suzanne Carroll F3039 276 49/90 127/247 42:19 10:35
3771 Gretchen Elwell F3039 277 50/90 128/247 42:22 10:36
3759 Chris Cozine M3039 278 41/55 149/201 42:29 10:37
6759 Kem Wimett F3039 279 51/90 129/247 42:30 10:38
3753 Bob Clark M6069 280 13/22 150/201 42:30 10:38
3565 Jim Banks M5059 281 16/18 151/201 42:32 10:38
3705 Elizabeth Johnson F1319 282 5/11 130/247 42:43 10:41

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