Alley Loop Nordic Marathon

5K Skate


February 5, 2011 in Crested Butte, CO

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5K Skate - Results

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displaying: 1 - 29 of 29
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395 Elizabeth Tharp F 20-29 Meeker CO 54 4 24 40:05:00 12:56 40:05:00
396 Jennifer Heithecker F 30-39 Fort Collins CO 55 8 25 41:24:00 13:21 41:24:00
404 Richard Allen M 60-69 Crested Butte CO 56 5 31 45:53:00 14:48 45:53:00
438 John Ellis M 70-99 Crested Butte CO 57 1 32 45:54:00 14:48 45:54:00
365 Katherine Kuhn F 60-69 Hudson WI 58 2 26 48:12:00 15:33 48:12:00
369 Laci Wright F 30-39 Crested Butte CO 59 9 27 48:39:00 15:42 48:39:00
430 Leah Weak F 0-15 Gunnison CO 60 1 28 50:35:00 16:19 50:35:00
431 Jeff Weak M 40-49 Gunnison CO 61 7 33 50:40:00 16:21 50:40:00
429 Hayley Weak F 0-15 Gunnison CO 62 2 29 50:42:00 16:21 50:42:00
390 Carolyn Hales F 50-59 Boulder CO 63 4 30 51:37:00 16:39 51:37:00
434 Jake O'Connor M 30-39 Crested Butte CO 64 4 34 1:00:37 19:33 1:00:37
433 Meta Haley F 20-29 Sewickley PA 65 5 31 1:00:37 19:33 1:00:37
383 Meredith McNamara F 20-29 Crested Butte CO 66 6 32 1:00:37 19:33 1:00:37
416 Julie Moore F 20-29 Crested Butte CO 67 7 33 1:04:15 20:44 1:04:15
447 Erin Sinclair F 20-29 Crested Butte CO 68 8 34 1:04:27 20:47 1:04:27
451 Laura Mikesell F 20-29 Crested Butte CO 69 9 35 1:04:27 20:47 1:04:27
449 Josh Egedy M 30-39 Crested Butte CO 70 5 35 1:04:28 20:48 1:04:28
360 Noreen Driscoll F 50-59 Salisbury CT 71 5 36 1:06:04 21:19 1:06:04
361 Ben Breslauer M 20-29 Crested Butte CO 72 4 36 1:06:05 21:19 1:06:05
362 Camille Breslauer F 20-29 Crested Butte CO 73 10 37 1:06:05 21:19 1:06:05
415 Mike Oluich M 50-59 Crested Butte CO 74 2 37 1:06:45 21:32 1:06:45
403 Cassidy Tawse-Garcia F 20-29 Crested Butte CO 75 11 38 1:21:53 26:25 1:21:53
402 Tyler Lucas M 20-29 Crested Butte CO 76 5 38 1:21:54 26:25 1:21:54
412 Rob Lindsey M 20-29 Crested Butte CO 77 6 39 1:22:07 26:29 1:22:07
413 Adge Marziano F 20-29 Crested Butte CO 78 12 39 1:22:08 26:30 1:22:08
368 Georgia Martin F 60-69 Greeley CO 79 3 40 2:14:37 43:25 2:14:37
389 Dana Bradley F 50-59 Crested Butte CO 80 6 41 2:43:07 52:37 2:43:07
422 Molly Murfee F 40-49 Crested Butte CO 81 5 42 2:43:08 52:37 2:43:08
373 Dawne Belloise F 50-59 Crested Butte CO 82 7 43 2:43:09 52:38 2:43:09

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