114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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6793 Kevin Eustace M7074 3633 15/41 2049/2620 1:10:43 11:25
6860 Samuel Holcomb M2529 3634 262/318 2050/2620 1:10:43 11:25
9703 Trinity Tankersley F2024 3635 238/349 1585/2605 1:10:43 11:25
8241 David Schuck M3539 3636 245/287 2051/2620 1:10:43 11:25
6513 Bridget Schumacher F2024 3637 239/349 1586/2605 1:10:44 11:25
7222 Nina Martinez Diers F2024 3638 240/349 1587/2605 1:10:44 11:25
5768 Ansley Wood F2024 3639 241/349 1588/2605 1:10:44 11:25
10475 Annika Alper F2024 3640 242/349 1589/2605 1:10:44 11:25
7055 Ella Wahlquist F2024 3641 243/349 1590/2605 1:10:47 11:25
6573 Bray Stiens M2529 3642 263/318 2052/2620 1:10:48 11:26
4217 Karen Raifstanger F6064 3643 46/121 1591/2605 1:10:49 11:26
8231 Carlie Abraham F2529 3644 237/356 1592/2605 1:10:51 11:26
9017 Audrey Hare F1619 3645 199/250 1593/2605 1:10:52 11:26
5526 Diana Wallace F5054 3646 92/186 1594/2605 1:10:53 11:26
1171 Claire Dean F4549 3647 116/211 1595/2605 1:10:53 11:26
3876 Curt Nortman M3539 3648 246/287 2053/2620 1:10:54 11:27
9464 Tessa Richards F4549 3649 117/211 1596/2605 1:10:55 11:27
7540 Rachel Franklin F4549 3650 118/211 1597/2605 1:10:55 11:27
6574 Hannah Stiens F2529 3651 238/356 1598/2605 1:10:56 11:27
7965 Emily Krallman F2529 3652 239/356 1599/2605 1:10:56 11:27
4162 Allison Powers F3539 3653 170/252 1600/2605 1:10:56 11:27
7964 Leah Padgett F2529 3654 240/356 1601/2605 1:10:57 11:27
211 Nancy Barbian F7074 3655 9/38 1602/2605 1:10:57 11:27
9369 Megan Niehaus F1619 3656 200/250 1603/2605 1:10:57 11:27
8645 Peter Blackshaw M5559 3657 128/188 2054/2620 1:10:57 11:27
8867 Jason Dunneback M4549 3658 162/191 2055/2620 1:10:57 11:27
3841 Brooke Niederegger F2024 3659 244/349 1604/2605 1:10:58 11:27
9694 Jim Stutz M5559 3660 129/188 2056/2620 1:10:58 11:27
400 Mason Bischoff M2529 3661 264/318 2057/2620 1:10:58 11:27
332 Jack Bender M2529 3662 265/318 2058/2620 1:10:58 11:27
2513 Mike Johnson M5054 3663 147/199 2059/2620 1:10:59 11:27
8868 Kristin Dunneback F4044 3664 145/223 1605/2605 1:11:01 11:28
299 Tim Beck M5559 3665 130/188 2060/2620 1:11:01 11:28
3113 Ellise Limle F2024 3666 245/349 1606/2605 1:11:02 11:28
10487 Regina Menninger F3034 3667 173/260 1607/2605 1:11:03 11:28
2969 Patricia Kutzer F5054 3668 93/186 1608/2605 1:11:04 11:28
2804 Elisabeth Knose F3539 3669 171/252 1609/2605 1:11:04 11:28
4474 Amanda Ruehlmann F3034 3670 174/260 1610/2605 1:11:04 11:28
9020 James Hare Jr M2024 3671 240/284 2061/2620 1:11:06 11:29
4992 Jerry Spangler M5559 3672 131/188 2062/2620 1:11:07 11:29

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