30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3313 Adriana Stacey F4549 1081 49/72 525/711 44:29 14:21
4140 Christina Calcote F2024 1082 64/78 526/711 44:31 14:22
3063 Makenzie Cann F2529 1083 43/56 527/711 44:42 14:26
4170 Allyson Best F5054 1084 47/71 528/711 44:45 14:26
4083 Cianah Budnik-Ramos F1519 1085 72/82 529/711 44:45 14:27
4084 Rheagan Cobb F1519 1086 73/82 530/711 44:45 14:27
4081 Kathy Shampine F7074 1087 6/12 531/711 44:45 14:27
3815 Kaden Rungruang M1114 1088 75/78 557/662 44:51 14:29
3811 Josh Coley M4044 1089 57/62 558/662 44:53 14:29
3814 Hadley Rungruang F10UN 1090 25/31 532/711 44:53 14:29
3812 Sara Coley F3034 1091 38/49 533/711 44:56 14:30
4454 Jack Rosenthal M1519 1092 59/60 559/662 44:56 14:30
4455 Jake Rosenthal F1519 1093 74/82 534/711 44:58 14:31
3373 Lori Talbert F5054 1094 48/71 535/711 44:58 14:31
3050 Emily Burgess F1519 1095 75/82 536/711 44:59 14:31
3012 Christian Panneck F4044 1096 56/69 537/711 45:04 14:33
4141 Cesi Calcote F2529 1097 44/56 538/711 45:11 14:35
3691 Taylor Reed F2024 1098 65/78 539/711 45:14 14:36
3690 Stephanie Presnell F5054 1099 49/71 540/711 45:14 14:36
4037 Natalie Nunez F3539 1100 43/53 541/711 45:16 14:37
4205 Brian Steelman M4549 1101 55/64 560/662 45:23 14:39
4273 Sofia Cruz F1114 1102 46/52 542/711 45:23 14:39
4274 Ruben Cruz M6064 1103 18/32 561/662 45:24 14:39
3759 Sonia Hankins F5559 1104 28/39 543/711 45:25 14:39
3823 Angie Green F5054 1105 50/71 544/711 45:25 14:39
3098 Wista Leighann Nash F4044 1106 57/69 545/711 45:25 14:39
3208 Maggie Miller F2024 1107 66/78 546/711 45:26 14:40
3218 Ryan Johnson F1114 1108 47/52 547/711 45:26 14:40
3630 Jenny Saphier F5054 1109 51/71 548/711 45:28 14:40
3594 Jennifer Hoffman F5054 1110 52/71 549/711 45:30 14:41
3928 Max Kawata M10UN 1111 46/48 562/662 45:41 14:45
3665 Sophia Lu F1519 1112 76/82 550/711 45:42 14:45
4046 Connie Juanita Pruett F6064 1113 14/30 551/711 45:44 14:45
3802 Cynthia Whitehead F6064 1114 15/30 552/711 45:47 14:46
3249 Niki Capuano F5054 1115 53/71 553/711 45:50 14:47
3064 Sheri Cann F6064 1116 16/30 554/711 45:55 14:49
3733 Carly Crossett F2529 1117 45/56 555/711 45:57 14:50
3731 Terry Crossett F6064 1118 17/30 556/711 45:58 14:50
3734 Lance Crossett M5559 1119 30/38 563/662 45:59 14:50
3221 Sherrill Malnofski F6064 1120 18/30 557/711 46:04 14:52

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