Valentine's Day Run

5k Run


February 15, 2009 in Denver, CO


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5k Run - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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208 Alyissa Canady F1319 240 6/11 128/174 35:43 11:32
357 Jordan Perk F1319 241 7/11 129/174 35:43 11:32
355 Robert Perk M4049 242 21/26 113/133 35:43 11:32
372 Zachary Ronan M1319 243 9/9 114/133 35:49 11:34
200 Genise Brothers F3039 244 37/43 130/174 35:55 11:35
370 Ann Marie Ronan F4049 245 28/37 131/174 35:55 11:36
379 Eliza Schultz F2029 246 50/55 132/174 36:05 11:39
62 Charlene Osborn F3039 247 38/43 133/174 36:09 11:40
81 Walt Karabw M4049 248 22/26 115/133 36:09 11:40
109 Laurel Eller F2029 249 51/55 134/174 36:10 11:40
310 Elizabeth Lewis F1319 250 8/11 135/174 36:29 11:46
194 Sharon Bexley F3039 251 39/43 136/174 36:34 11:48
359 Cindy Pesek F5059 252 8/16 137/174 36:47 11:52
313 Katherine Lewis F1319 253 9/11 138/174 36:48 11:53
259 Annika Gill F3039 254 40/43 139/174 36:49 11:53
311 Brandy Lewis F3039 255 41/43 140/174 36:49 11:53
291 Jim Jones M6069 256 11/13 116/133 36:56 11:55
30 Wanda Carlile F6069 257 1/6 141/174 37:02 11:57
84 Shari Martel F4049 258 29/37 142/174 37:03 11:57
133 Dori Seperich F5059 259 9/16 143/174 37:29 12:06
422 Mitch Romero M4049 260 23/26 117/133 37:29 12:06
363 Nancy Rehder F6069 261 2/6 144/174 37:41 12:10
96 Roxanne Ahlbrecht F5059 262 10/16 145/174 37:52 12:13
224 Richard Crabb M6069 263 12/13 118/133 37:56 12:15
418 Terri Sue Monark F4049 264 30/37 146/174 38:10 12:19
181 Chad August M3039 265 36/39 119/133 38:21 12:22
330 Katina Melendrez F2029 266 52/55 147/174 38:24 12:24
286 Dianna Ingraham F4049 267 31/37 148/174 38:35 12:27
198 Jim Brindowski M5059 268 18/21 120/133 38:41 12:29
392 Heather Terranova F2029 269 53/55 149/174 38:52 12:33
393 Troy Terranova M3039 270 37/39 121/133 38:53 12:33
55 Amy Aukema F4049 271 32/37 150/174 38:56 12:34
204 Rachael Burger F1319 272 10/11 151/174 39:00 12:35
356 Lynnette Perk F4049 273 33/37 152/174 39:05 12:37
394 Leslie Thompson F5059 274 11/16 153/174 39:15 12:40
45 Curtis Claar M4049 275 24/26 122/133 39:26 12:44
202 Sandi Bruha F4049 276 34/37 154/174 39:28 12:44
44 Lily Claar F0112 277 3/4 155/174 39:34 12:46
136 Rita Hamburg F4049 278 35/37 156/174 39:39 12:48
101 Abbie Reaves F6069 279 3/6 157/174 40:14 12:59

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