30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4361 Brian Cook M4549 97 5/64 79/662 23:10 7:29
4003 Mae Mae Anderson F1114 98 8/52 19/711 23:18 7:31
4182 Trip Wayland M1519 99 24/60 80/662 23:18 7:31
4242 Brayden Peterson M1114 100 12/78 81/662 23:20 7:32
3257 Patrick Yachimski M4549 101 6/64 82/662 23:22 7:33
4450 Alexander Rouskas M1114 102 13/78 83/662 23:26 7:34
4079 Anah Shampine F3034 103 2/49 20/711 23:32 7:36
4219 Cooper Christopher M1519 104 25/60 84/662 23:33 7:36
3995 Kennedy Smith F1114 105 9/52 21/711 23:37 7:37
4282 Emily Madden F4044 106 1/69 22/711 23:38 7:38
3128 Cooper Creech M10UN 107 4/48 85/662 23:40 7:38
3180 Jacques Generes M1114 108 14/78 86/662 23:41 7:39
3085 Matthew Lee M2024 109 12/48 87/662 23:42 7:39
4289 Maxime Dubourg M10UN 110 5/48 88/662 23:42 7:39
3164 Easton Dasilva M1519 111 26/60 89/662 23:44 7:40
4400 George Lugar M1114 112 15/78 90/662 23:46 7:40
3336 Frankj Begalke M5054 113 6/63 91/662 23:47 7:41
3640 Robert Heath M4044 114 5/62 92/662 23:47 7:41
3126 Austin Hebert M1519 115 27/60 93/662 23:50 7:42
3224 Ethan Shaw M2024 116 13/48 94/662 23:53 7:43
4231 Jeremy Sebor M4549 117 7/64 95/662 23:57 7:44
3803 Silvia Hernandez-Molina F1519 118 7/82 23/711 23:57 7:44
4281 Chris Madden M4044 119 6/62 96/662 23:59 7:45
3284 Michael Fisher F4044 120 2/69 24/711 24:02 7:45
3989 Lily Timperman F2024 121 1/78 25/711 24:03 7:46
3334 Griffin Begalke M1519 122 28/60 97/662 24:04 7:46
3403 Jesse Baynes F2024 123 2/78 26/711 24:05 7:46
4292 Laura Earl F4044 124 3/69 27/711 24:05 7:46
3938 Aden Mackenzie M2529 125 7/41 98/662 24:09 7:48
3232 Alex Dickey M2529 126 8/41 99/662 24:09 7:48
3236 Am Casciola F2529 127 3/56 28/711 24:10 7:48
4146 Sophie Moore F2024 128 3/78 29/711 24:10 7:48
672 Derek Boudreau M5054 129 7/63 100/662 24:13 7:49
4445 Josiah King M2529 130 9/41 101/662 24:13 7:49
3618 Pete Appleby M4044 131 7/62 102/662 24:14 7:49
3569 Lincoln Phillips M5054 132 8/63 103/662 24:14 7:49
3315 Heath Stacey M4549 133 8/64 104/662 24:18 7:51
3305 Brianna Fadden F1519 134 8/82 30/711 24:20 7:51
4239 Jay Cooke M3539 135 5/42 105/662 24:21 7:51
3331 Madison Muckerman F2024 136 4/78 31/711 24:21 7:52

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