2021 Garmin Kansas City Marathon



October 16, 2021 in Kansas City, MO

Event Groups

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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441 Jeff Gorczyca M 35-39 241 38/100 198/622 3:53:48 8:56
383 Carrie Gabriel F WHEEL 242 1/1 44/320 3:53:50 8:56
847 Travis Gautier M 30-34 243 36/109 199/622 3:53:56 8:56
587 Alex Anderson M 30-34 244 37/109 200/622 3:54:47 8:58
927 Marc Showalter M 40-44 245 16/64 201/622 3:55:16 8:59
305 Mara Wiebke F 25-29 246 11/57 45/320 3:55:32 9:00
991 Emily Harsh F 25-29 247 12/57 46/320 3:55:32 9:00
21 Claire Rogers F 20-24 248 10/27 47/320 3:55:45 9:00
807 Dylan Dreiling M 25-29 249 50/118 202/622 3:56:14 9:01
1311 Eric Hunt M 45-49 250 25/63 203/622 3:56:18 9:02
480 Danielle Hrdina F 20-24 251 11/27 48/320 3:56:37 9:02
199 Brendan Finan M 25-29 252 51/118 204/622 3:56:43 9:03
819 Sergio Alejandr Garcia Hernandez M 30-34 253 38/109 205/622 3:56:47 9:03
2 Logan Littrell M 18-24 254 17/56 206/622 3:56:50 9:03
785 Angie Bates F 35-39 255 8/65 49/320 3:56:56 9:03
153 Gustavo Ramirez M 30-34 256 39/109 207/622 3:56:57 9:03
479 Ivan Popov M 35-39 257 39/100 208/622 3:57:06 9:03
633 Chadwick Krahenbuhl M 18-24 258 18/56 209/622 3:57:10 9:04
977 Aaron Aday M 30-34 259 40/109 210/622 3:57:12 9:04
861 Darin Shreves M 35-39 260 40/100 211/622 3:57:16 9:04
425 Whitney Honsbruch F 30-34 261 4/62 50/320 3:57:16 9:04
728 Kim Pramberg F 20-24 262 12/27 51/320 3:57:31 9:04
727 Curtis Maginley M 40-44 263 17/64 212/622 3:57:38 9:05
928 Nguyen Webster F 50-54 264 1/17 52/320 3:57:39 9:05
338 Nate Herrick M 40-44 265 18/64 213/622 3:57:43 9:05
942 Cem Yildirim M 50-54 266 10/40 214/622 3:57:47 9:05
528 Brad Garstang M 45-49 267 26/63 215/622 3:57:51 9:05
88 Cory Scheer M 45-49 268 27/63 216/622 3:57:51 9:05
530 Allie Schlicher F 30-34 269 5/62 53/320 3:58:02 9:06
689 Devin Nelson M 30-34 270 41/109 217/622 3:58:03 9:06
752 Staci Terstriep F 40-44 271 7/41 54/320 3:58:05 9:06
442 Jacob Gorczyca M 17- 272 1/3 218/622 3:58:09 9:06
444 Luke Gorczyca M 30-34 273 42/109 219/622 3:58:10 9:06
907 Debbie Volstromer F 30-34 274 6/62 55/320 3:58:12 9:06
143 Austin Blaise M 25-29 275 52/118 220/622 3:58:12 9:06
715 Amber Waldschmidt F 40-44 276 8/41 56/320 3:58:13 9:06
838 Drew Williams M 30-34 277 43/109 221/622 3:58:14 9:06
806 Claire Gibby F 25-29 278 13/57 57/320 3:58:17 9:06
878 Eric Lichtenberg M 30-34 279 44/109 222/622 3:58:17 9:06
634 Matthew Robinson M 25-29 280 53/118 223/622 3:58:19 9:06

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