30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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3785 Lili Dietz F1114 691 33/52 292/711 33:32 10:49
3976 Zach Joubert M1519 692 52/60 400/662 33:33 10:50
4327 Jenn Boughey F4044 693 24/69 293/711 33:33 10:50
4195 Matthew Urban M4044 694 39/62 401/662 33:34 10:50
3398 Heather Russell F5054 695 24/71 294/711 33:36 10:51
4384 Audrey Ann McKee F1519 696 54/82 295/711 33:36 10:51
4118 John Sabau M4044 697 40/62 402/662 33:37 10:51
4320 Bobby Holcomb M2529 698 29/41 403/662 33:38 10:51
4252 Raunaq Patwardhan M3539 699 30/42 404/662 33:39 10:51
4319 Bill Holcomb M6064 700 10/32 405/662 33:39 10:52
3207 Maeve Miller F1519 701 55/82 296/711 33:42 10:53
3776 Emily Morris F1519 702 56/82 297/711 33:43 10:53
3571 Henry Phillips M5054 703 36/63 406/662 33:43 10:53
3775 John Morris M4044 704 41/62 407/662 33:43 10:53
3676 Aubrey Couch M2024 705 35/48 408/662 33:43 10:53
4128 David Dalton M5054 706 37/63 409/662 33:44 10:53
3216 Kevin Johnson M4044 707 42/62 410/662 33:46 10:54
3981 Tiffany Dowdy F5054 708 25/71 298/711 33:46 10:54
3254 Cordy Ramer M4549 709 36/64 411/662 33:48 10:54
4260 Josh Walker M2529 710 30/41 412/662 33:49 10:55
4261 Ellie Walker F2529 711 26/56 299/711 33:51 10:55
3048 Thomas Corcoran M1114 712 65/78 413/662 33:51 10:55
3614 Alexander De Clerck M3034 713 22/45 414/662 33:55 10:57
3361 Sadie Dickinson F2024 714 37/78 300/711 33:55 10:57
3919 Riley Thore M2024 715 36/48 415/662 33:57 10:57
3091 Shannon Lasseter F5054 716 26/71 301/711 33:57 10:58
4413 Jill M Mcnamara F5054 717 27/71 302/711 34:02 10:59
3770 Lewis Bailey M10UN 718 28/48 416/662 34:05 11:00
3772 Ryan Bailey M3539 719 31/42 417/662 34:05 11:00
3242 Anna Claire Howland F2024 720 38/78 303/711 34:10 11:01
3110 Shirley Shearn F5054 721 28/71 304/711 34:11 11:02
4394 Ava Flake F1519 722 57/82 305/711 34:13 11:02
3141 Conner Worgo M1519 723 53/60 418/662 34:14 11:03
3970 Perri Prellop F5054 724 29/71 306/711 34:17 11:04
3375 Ashley Horne F4044 725 25/69 307/711 34:18 11:04
3965 Laura Brewick F4549 726 20/72 308/711 34:19 11:05
3162 Caroline Whitlock F3539 727 27/53 309/711 34:23 11:06
3686 Sandra Rogers F3539 728 28/53 310/711 34:23 11:06
3434 James Thomas M2529 729 31/41 419/662 34:24 11:06
4392 Trey Whatley M5054 730 38/63 420/662 34:24 11:06

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