30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3384 Mallory Kissel F3539 1188 44/53 598/711 48:47 15:45
3259 Ali Turner F3539 1189 45/53 599/711 48:49 15:45
3260 Nat Turner M3539 1190 39/42 591/662 48:51 15:46
3440 Sara Hernandez F2529 1191 49/56 600/711 48:54 15:47
3436 David Hernandez M3034 1192 36/45 592/662 48:55 15:47
3282 Kathleen Fisher F3539 1193 46/53 601/711 48:57 15:48
3285 Anna Fisher F10UN 1194 28/31 602/711 48:57 15:48
4226 Jason Farley M4044 1195 58/62 593/662 48:59 15:48
4265 Maddie Ruf F2529 1196 50/56 603/711 49:03 15:50
4264 Kim Collins F6064 1197 21/30 604/711 49:03 15:50
4387 Shelli McKee F4549 1198 53/72 605/711 49:10 15:52
4385 Anjanette Hammit F5559 1199 34/39 606/711 49:12 15:53
3874 Harland Wilson M1114 1200 76/78 594/662 49:34 16:00
3523 Nancy Williams F3034 1201 40/49 607/711 49:35 16:00
251 Jennifer Loftis F5054 1202 61/71 608/711 49:42 16:02
3988 Dylan Timperman M2529 1203 36/41 595/662 49:52 16:05
4149 Elisangela Porto F4044 1204 59/69 609/711 49:55 16:06
4465 Unknown Runner M 1205 9/11 596/662 49:55 16:07
256 David Desforges M5559 1206 33/38 597/662 49:56 16:07
4471 Kelly Shultz F3539 1207 47/53 610/711 50:03 16:09
4470 Andy Shultz M4044 1208 59/62 598/662 50:03 16:09
3501 Kristy Futscher F3539 1209 48/53 611/711 50:03 16:09
4248 Travers Sloan M4549 1210 60/64 599/662 50:16 16:13
4017 Caroline Converse F1114 1211 51/52 612/711 50:17 16:13
3455 Jason Priest M5054 1212 59/63 600/662 50:21 16:15
4247 Molita Sloan F4549 1213 54/72 613/711 50:22 16:15
3454 Larhonda Whitmire F6064 1214 22/30 614/711 50:24 16:16
3234 Kevin Dickey M5559 1215 34/38 601/662 50:34 16:19
3244 Tracy Jacobs F4549 1216 55/72 615/711 50:36 16:20
4067 Leigh Bishop F5054 1217 62/71 616/711 50:36 16:20
3432 Unknown Runner M 1218 10/11 602/662 50:55 16:26
3433 Jessica Black F2024 1219 74/78 617/711 50:56 16:26
3890 Mitch Bevill M5559 1220 35/38 603/662 50:58 16:27
4020 Charlotte Stinson F7579 1221 2/3 618/711 50:59 16:27
3003 Ethan Knight M1114 1222 77/78 604/662 50:59 16:27
3004 Jacquelyn L Knight F7074 1223 9/12 619/711 51:00 16:27
4355 Lee Anne Mackay F5054 1224 63/71 620/711 51:16 16:33
4297 Jon Wylie M5054 1225 60/63 605/662 51:18 16:33
4076 Emily Roberts F1114 1226 52/52 621/711 51:22 16:35
3808 Kimberly Guz F5559 1227 35/39 622/711 51:23 16:35

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