114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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7060 Krista Waugaman F3034 1349 48/260 403/2609 53:17 8:36
5809 Skyler Yates M3034 1350 126/299 947/2629 53:18 8:36
7316 Kim Smith F4549 1351 19/211 404/2609 53:18 8:36
6890 Alex King M2529 1352 127/318 948/2629 53:19 8:36
4125 Ben Pohlabeln M2529 1353 128/318 949/2629 53:19 8:36
3456 James McLindon M5054 1354 62/200 950/2629 53:19 8:36
2653 Nick Kelly M2529 1355 129/318 951/2629 53:20 8:37
5310 Anna Thorner F2529 1356 64/356 405/2609 53:21 8:37
4514 Aaron Sabin M4549 1357 55/191 952/2629 53:21 8:37
9099 Cameron Jaynes M3034 1358 127/299 953/2629 53:21 8:37
7511 Margaret Elson F2529 1359 65/356 406/2609 53:22 8:37
498 Keri Bove F3539 1360 42/252 407/2609 53:22 8:37
8693 Jason Brown M3539 1361 126/287 954/2629 53:22 8:37
886 Anthony Clarke M3034 1362 128/299 955/2629 53:23 8:37
3605 Tony Minnick M4044 1363 96/228 956/2629 53:24 8:37
437 Jason Blom M4549 1364 56/191 957/2629 53:24 8:37
6638 Tristen Walton M2529 1365 130/318 958/2629 53:25 8:37
6106 John Goetz M6064 1366 31/166 959/2629 53:25 8:37
5322 Regan Tilden F4044 1367 30/223 408/2609 53:26 8:38
4931 Ian Smith M3539 1368 127/287 960/2629 53:26 8:38
4785 Emmy Servaites F1619 1369 64/250 409/2609 53:26 8:38
497 Zach Bourgraf M3034 1370 129/299 961/2629 53:27 8:38
4012 Megan Patrick F2024 1371 69/349 410/2609 53:28 8:38
9514 Maria Sagel F1619 1372 65/250 411/2609 53:28 8:38
3270 Morgan Maloney F2024 1373 70/349 412/2609 53:29 8:38
6303 Amy Lyons F4044 1374 31/223 413/2609 53:29 8:38
8751 Patrick Christensen M3539 1375 128/287 962/2629 53:29 8:38
1395 Audrey Eary F1619 1376 66/250 414/2609 53:30 8:38
2554 Shannon Jones F3539 1377 43/252 415/2609 53:30 8:38
6389 Robert Murley M3034 1378 130/299 963/2629 53:30 8:38
1614 Mandy Fox F4044 1379 32/223 416/2609 53:31 8:38
1417 Will Egan M2529 1380 131/318 964/2629 53:31 8:38
1578 Kevin Fleissner M3034 1381 131/299 965/2629 53:31 8:38
7371 Andrew Aiello M4549 1382 57/191 966/2629 53:31 8:38
2370 Ken Huber M4044 1383 97/228 967/2629 53:31 8:38
4188 Daniel Pullen M4044 1384 98/228 968/2629 53:32 8:38
5839 Jack Zestermann M1619 1385 95/169 969/2629 53:32 8:38
7459 Sylvia Cleveland F4549 1386 20/211 417/2609 53:32 8:38
9433 Michelle Pulsfort F3539 1387 44/252 418/2609 53:32 8:38
3087 Lily Lewis F0115 1388 33/128 419/2609 53:34 8:39

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