Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1099 Anna Eckberg F1318 228 20/81 61/777 25:51 25:33 8:14
65 Alexander Kincade M1934 229 57/153 168/508 25:50 25:34 8:14
1366 Johanna Schmidt F0112 230 4/54 62/777 26:21 25:35 8:14
407 Matthew Bordson M1934 231 58/153 169/508 25:57 25:35 8:14
1011 Lauren Versaglli F1934 232 17/292 63/777 25:44 25:36 8:15
150 David Hartley M1934 233 59/153 170/508 26:35 25:36 8:15
93 Jeff Holker M5054 234 13/35 171/508 25:48 25:39 8:16
1249 Tiffany Wenngatz F1934 235 18/292 64/777 25:54 25:40 8:16
213 Chris Vest M3539 236 15/46 172/508 25:53 25:41 8:16
166 Brian Wenngatz M1934 237 60/153 173/508 25:53 25:41 8:16
377 Terry Ulrich M5054 238 14/35 174/508 25:50 25:41 8:16
603 Jason Frano M1934 239 61/153 175/508 25:43 25:41 8:16
1151 Lois Robillard F4549 240 7/64 65/777 26:01 25:42 8:17
1365 Corie Lorin F1934 241 19/292 66/777 26:19 25:42 8:17
1857 Kaitlin Sanders F0112 242 5/54 67/777 26:06 25:42 8:17
575 James Sanders M4044 243 13/43 176/508 26:05 25:43 8:17
237 Paul Newberg M1934 244 62/153 177/508 26:20 25:44 8:17
606 Kelly Bittner F1934 245 20/292 68/777 26:24 25:44 8:17
511 Charles Allen M6064 246 6/30 178/508 26:18 25:45 8:18
1612 Samantha Stenberg F1318 247 21/81 69/777 26:40 25:45 8:18
484 Dennis Juntunen M4044 248 14/43 179/508 26:39 25:46 8:18
293 Steve Martin M3539 249 16/46 180/508 26:16 25:46 8:18
398 Joe Scott M1934 250 63/153 181/508 26:04 25:47 8:18
64 Michael Akervik M4549 251 15/39 182/508 25:51 25:48 8:18
348 Nathan Lingbeck M1318 252 41/64 183/508 26:04 25:48 8:19
19 Craig Ploetz M1934 253 64/153 184/508 26:10 25:48 8:19
50 Kyle Akervik M1934 254 65/153 185/508 25:51 25:48 8:19
1539 Kristen Fellers F4044 255 3/59 70/777 25:52 25:49 8:19
1267 Kelsey Kehtel F1318 256 22/81 71/777 25:50 25:49 8:19
1586 Brooke Hanson F1318 257 23/81 72/777 26:56 25:49 8:19
478 Richard Spehar M6064 258 7/30 186/508 26:09 25:50 8:19
1537 Haley King F1318 259 24/81 73/777 26:10 25:51 8:20
1287 Jeannie Feldkamp F3539 260 9/95 74/777 25:55 25:51 8:20
356 Aaron Axford M0112 261 8/43 187/508 26:05 25:51 8:20
290 Mark Johnson M1934 262 66/153 188/508 26:13 25:52 8:20
127 Bill Clark M3539 263 17/46 189/508 26:14 25:53 8:20
1615 Natalie Aho F1934 264 21/292 75/777 26:10 25:53 8:20
47 James Rogers M6569 265 2/20 190/508 25:58 25:53 8:20
1042 Kindra Hawkins F1934 266 22/292 76/777 26:12 25:53 8:20
11 John Swartout M1934 267 67/153 191/508 26:16 25:55 8:21

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