Point Bock Run - 2018

Overall Results


March 3, 2018 in Stevens Point, WI

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Overall Results - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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359 Grace Dolan F01-15 186 1/20 32/918 18:09 37:18 7:28
1332 Ryan Penfield M25-29 187 19/76 155/827 18:29 37:19 7:28
558 Carrie Gerner F25-29 188 2/101 33/918 17:58 37:19 7:28
1825 Jenna Trzebiatowskki F16-18 189 3/16 34/918 17:47 37:19 7:28
1723 Scott Stremkowski M35-39 190 28/124 156/827 18:48 37:21 7:29
1638 Chad Simcakoski M35-39 191 29/124 157/827 18:23 37:22 7:29
2041 Robert Steiber M30-34 192 21/129 158/827 18:08 37:23 7:29
82 James Bechtel M35-39 193 30/124 159/827 18:09 37:24 7:29
876 Scott Kezeske M45-49 194 18/111 160/827 18:16 37:25 7:29
988 John Lauer M45-49 195 19/111 161/827 18:43 37:25 7:29
686 John Hayes M55-59 196 12/66 162/827 18:18 37:27 7:30
414 Jessica Eisenman F30-34 197 10/169 35/918 18:51 37:28 7:30
609 Jaci Griffin F40-44 198 7/144 36/918 18:12 37:28 7:30
720 Dorothea Ho F60-64 199 1/25 37/918 18:27 37:29 7:30
1597 Jesse Schutte M35-39 200 31/124 163/827 17:48 37:29 7:30
1840 Chuck Van M55-59 201 13/66 164/827 18:24 37:32 7:31
1424 Colin Reffner M19-24 202 9/33 165/827 18:35 37:33 7:31
440 Josh Ernst M25-29 203 20/76 166/827 18:13 37:33 7:31
970 Mark Lamb M60-64 204 5/39 167/827 18:27 37:34 7:31
1092 Greg Marsicek M50-54 205 15/88 168/827 18:20 37:35 7:31
505 Monica Flood F25-29 206 3/101 38/918 18:18 37:38 7:32
1943 Leah Wiesner F30-34 207 11/169 39/918 18:13 37:39 7:32
974 April Lamovec F35-39 208 6/168 40/918 19:01 37:39 7:32
417 Tom Elmhorst M35-39 209 32/124 169/827 18:41 37:39 7:32
600 Paul Graham M40-44 210 18/105 170/827 17:44 37:40 7:32
1069 Tracy Malkovich F35-39 211 7/168 41/918 18:40 37:40 7:32
842 Brian Kaufman M30-34 212 22/129 171/827 18:51 37:41 7:33
910 Dave Koch M55-59 213 14/66 172/827 18:47 37:44 7:33
1343 Eric Petzold M45-49 214 20/111 173/827 18:28 37:46 7:34
218 John Burant M45-49 215 21/111 174/827 18:26 37:48 7:34
1948 John Wilke M65-69 216 2/13 175/827 18:44 37:49 7:34
670 Jaime Hardgrove F35-39 217 8/168 42/918 18:54 37:49 7:34
1465 Kyle Rokusek M19-24 218 10/33 176/827 18:16 37:51 7:35
963 Terry Kurth M40-44 219 19/105 177/827 18:25 37:52 7:35
1196 Ryan Morfey M30-34 220 23/129 178/827 18:42 37:53 7:35
1522 Bruce Scheller M50-54 221 16/88 179/827 18:32 37:54 7:35
284 Callie Corbin F30-34 222 12/169 43/918 18:24 37:55 7:35
1392 Kaitlin Prusak F30-34 223 13/169 44/918 18:38 37:56 7:36
16 Matthew Altmann M16-18 224 9/14 180/827 18:56 37:56 7:36
1277 Sean Obrien M30-34 225 24/129 181/827 19:25 37:56 7:36

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