114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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49 Michelle Amann F4044 2650 83/223 1036/2609 1:01:01 9:51
1887 Michael Greene M3034 2651 203/299 1615/2629 1:01:01 9:51
496 Dana Bourassa F4044 2652 84/223 1037/2609 1:01:01 9:51
7499 Michael Ditomaso M0115 2653 88/140 1616/2629 1:01:01 9:51
10247 Meredith Maschinot F1619 2654 148/250 1038/2609 1:01:01 9:51
293 Monica Beavers F3539 2655 109/252 1039/2609 1:01:01 9:51
6002 Anna Curtsinger F0115 2656 69/128 1040/2609 1:01:02 9:51
2298 Nicholas Hoffmann M2529 2657 213/318 1617/2629 1:01:02 9:51
305 Alaina Beckmeyer M2024 2658 208/284 1618/2629 1:01:02 9:51
3816 Jeffrey Neuwirth M3034 2659 204/299 1619/2629 1:01:03 9:51
266 Jordan Bautista M2024 2660 209/284 1620/2629 1:01:03 9:51
8424 David Woody M3034 2661 205/299 1621/2629 1:01:03 9:51
1958 Elizabeth Hagen F5054 2662 49/186 1041/2609 1:01:03 9:51
9586 Justin Shadday M2529 2663 214/318 1622/2629 1:01:03 9:51
1247 Michelle Dickert F2024 2664 158/349 1042/2609 1:01:03 9:51
9314 Nicolette Miller F2529 2665 155/356 1043/2609 1:01:03 9:51
3815 Gregory Neuwirth M3034 2666 206/299 1623/2629 1:01:04 9:51
1937 Mary Guthrie F3539 2667 110/252 1044/2609 1:01:04 9:51
3862 Megan Nitkiewicz F2529 2668 156/356 1045/2609 1:01:05 9:51
1161 Janie Day F4549 2669 77/211 1046/2609 1:01:05 9:52
5487 Nicole Volpenhein F2529 2670 157/356 1047/2609 1:01:05 9:52
2323 Julia Holocher F3034 2671 120/260 1048/2609 1:01:05 9:52
1888 Rachel Greene F3034 2672 121/260 1049/2609 1:01:06 9:52
9495 Sam Roll F2024 2673 159/349 1050/2609 1:01:06 9:52
6338 Sarah McCalley F4549 2674 78/211 1051/2609 1:01:06 9:52
10044 Hannan Dusing F1619 2675 149/250 1052/2609 1:01:06 9:52
10027 Melanie Miles F5559 2676 42/168 1053/2609 1:01:06 9:52
1960 Mark Hagen M5054 2677 112/200 1624/2629 1:01:06 9:52
6524 Matthew Sgantas M3034 2678 207/299 1625/2629 1:01:07 9:52
3006 Adam Langsdale M2529 2679 215/318 1626/2629 1:01:07 9:52
6511 Emma Schulok F2024 2680 160/349 1054/2609 1:01:07 9:52
8069 John Memory M3034 2681 208/299 1627/2629 1:01:07 9:52
1738 Martin Gerrety M6064 2682 70/166 1628/2629 1:01:08 9:52
8070 Spencer Lohmeier M2529 2683 216/318 1629/2629 1:01:09 9:52
5370 Tina Ulanowski F5559 2684 43/168 1055/2609 1:01:09 9:52
5960 John E Cauhorn M3034 2685 209/299 1630/2629 1:01:09 9:52
5961 Valene Cauhorn F3034 2686 122/260 1056/2609 1:01:09 9:52
3089 Robert Lewis M5559 2687 84/188 1631/2629 1:01:11 9:53
3166 Melissa Louda F4044 2688 85/223 1057/2609 1:01:11 9:53
9993 Quinn Wachtel F1619 2689 150/250 1058/2609 1:01:12 9:53

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