Edgerunner 5K



May 3, 2009 in Edgewater, CO


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displaying: 1 - 37 of 37
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5648 Rosa Monroy F???? 140 2/2 83/112 49:13 15:53
5607 Wendy Soto F0112 141 3/5 84/112 49:37 16:01
5625 Amada Monroy F0112 142 4/5 85/112 49:37 16:01
5721 Holly Haman Marcum F3039 143 35/45 86/112 50:09 16:11
5758 Ty Marcum M0112 144 7/7 58/64 50:09 16:11
5692 Anita G. Clem F5059 145 9/15 87/112 51:35 16:39
5812 Berna Smith F5059 146 10/15 88/112 52:06 16:49
5611 Gretchen Oliver F3039 147 36/45 89/112 52:07 16:49
5765 Michael Mecomber M2029 148 9/12 59/64 52:16 16:52
5716 Ellen Green F5059 149 11/15 90/112 52:46 17:02
5684 Mary Bush F5059 150 12/15 91/112 52:47 17:02
5695 Sheree Conyers F3039 151 37/45 92/112 54:18 17:31
5809 Madison Skeen F0112 152 5/5 93/112 54:35 17:37
5870 Diane Julio F2029 153 17/22 94/112 54:46 17:40
5878 Andrew Brown M2029 154 10/12 60/64 54:46 17:40
5869 Michael Collins M1319 155 4/4 61/64 54:48 17:41
5757 Georgetta Makelky F5059 156 13/15 95/112 55:01 17:45
5722 Megan Hehn F2029 157 18/22 96/112 55:10 17:48
5654 Tyler Amundson M2029 158 11/12 62/64 55:10 17:48
5807 Kimberly Shore F3039 159 38/45 97/112 55:14 17:49
5653 Crystal Amundson F2029 160 19/22 98/112 55:14 17:49
5819 Mary Stone F4049 161 13/13 99/112 55:20 17:51
5871 Peg Rudden F6069 162 1/1 100/112 55:39 17:58
5709 Juliet Fitzgibbons F2029 163 20/22 101/112 56:43 18:18
5762 Julie McGill F3039 164 39/45 102/112 56:43 18:18
5832 Kent Utley M2029 165 12/12 63/64 56:53 18:21
5852 Melissa Walter F2029 166 21/22 103/112 57:20 18:30
5769 Illona Moschetti F5059 167 14/15 104/112 57:27 18:32
5768 Camelia Moschetti F2029 168 22/22 105/112 57:27 18:32
5838 Brooke Wallace F3039 169 40/45 106/112 58:34 18:54
5792 Briana Reinking F3039 170 41/45 107/112 58:34 18:54
5763 Erin McGrath F3039 171 42/45 108/112 59:23 19:10
5782 Ann Payne F5059 172 15/15 109/112 59:24 19:10
5649 Jennifer Vilie F3039 173 43/45 110/112 1:08:37 22:08
5686 Stacy Buslon F3039 174 44/45 111/112 1:09:05 22:18
5834 John Vacanti M3039 175 22/22 64/64 1:09:06 22:18
5833 Claire Vacanti F3039 176 45/45 112/112 1:09:07 22:18

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