Lighthouse Run - 2012

10 Mile Run - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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52 Chris Larsen M45-49 540 53/60 346/412 1:40:58 1:41:17 10:08
444 Cherie Zamel F40-44 541 24/49 195/315 1:41:03 1:41:19 10:08
179 Gary Peterson M55-59 542 25/30 347/412 1:40:46 1:41:23 10:09
411 Mike Smolko M35-39 543 39/45 348/412 1:40:58 1:41:25 10:09
731 Carol Laplante F40-44 544 25/49 196/315 1:41:00 1:41:26 10:09
336 Denise Huebner F40-44 545 26/49 197/315 1:40:57 1:41:36 10:10
667 Jennifer Humphreys F40-44 546 27/49 198/315 1:41:09 1:41:37 10:10
671 Marcie Drenzek F50-54 547 10/22 199/315 1:41:15 1:41:41 10:11
234 Dan Barry M50-54 548 31/41 349/412 1:41:18 1:41:43 10:11
625 Holly Moore F35-39 549 38/53 200/315 1:41:22 1:41:49 10:11
98 Janelle Rogers F50-54 550 11/22 201/315 1:41:29 1:41:58 10:12
608 Sheila Carney F50-54 551 12/22 202/315 1:41:40 1:42:00 10:12
155 Aaron Choate M20-24 552 31/34 350/412 1:41:53 1:42:05 10:13
359 Greg Miller M40-44 553 47/53 351/412 1:41:50 1:42:06 10:13
523 Marjorie Mahar F45-49 554 25/36 203/315 1:41:53 1:42:12 10:14
360 Hope Miller F55-59 555 8/12 204/315 1:41:54 1:42:13 10:14
108 Megan Johnson F20-24 556 21/28 205/315 1:41:42 1:42:13 10:14
186 Jenny Stein F45-49 557 26/36 206/315 1:41:42 1:42:14 10:14
790 Stephanie Schultz F40-44 558 28/49 207/315 1:41:50 1:42:17 10:14
568 Tina Gonzolas F25-29 559 27/38 208/315 1:42:17 1:42:17 10:14
569 Scott Jiroch M17-19 560 23/24 352/412 1:42:00 1:42:17 10:14
764 Dean Jackson M45-49 561 54/60 353/412 1:42:19 1:42:19 10:14
338 Connor Jurena M01-13 562 2/2 354/412 1:42:01 1:42:23 10:15
389 Steve Rognsvoog M35-39 563 40/45 355/412 1:42:03 1:42:29 10:15
785 Madeline Crum F20-24 564 22/28 209/315 1:42:16 1:42:35 10:16
258 Chuck Baker M50-54 565 32/41 356/412 1:42:34 1:42:41 10:17
663 Diane Malone F35-39 566 39/53 210/315 1:42:16 1:42:42 10:17
405 Katherine Shillinglaw F30-34 567 30/45 211/315 1:42:17 1:42:43 10:17
516 Kristine Rivest F40-44 568 29/49 212/315 1:42:08 1:42:47 10:17
526 Harold Blauw Jr M40-44 569 48/53 357/412 1:42:12 1:42:50 10:17
653 Tracy Henry F40-44 570 30/49 213/315 1:42:34 1:42:51 10:18
49 Richard Konz M50-54 571 33/41 358/412 1:42:26 1:42:55 10:18
658 Jessica Gustin F30-34 572 31/45 214/315 1:42:40 1:42:58 10:18
121 Tanya Karnick F50-54 573 13/22 215/315 1:42:32 1:43:01 10:19
409 James Smith M45-49 574 55/60 359/412 1:42:36 1:43:06 10:19
619 Linda Rosenthal F60-64 575 3/4 216/315 1:43:02 1:43:17 10:20
320 Mary Gustin F60-64 576 4/4 217/315 1:43:02 1:43:18 10:20
688 Coleen Urban F45-49 577 27/36 218/315 1:43:05 1:43:28 10:21
74 Stephanie Vavra F45-49 578 28/36 219/315 1:42:55 1:43:29 10:21
491 Dominique Nguyen F20-24 579 23/28 220/315 1:43:13 1:43:32 10:22

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