Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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387 Eric Miklausich M1318 88 23/64 74/508 22:24 22:11 7:09
114 John Costello M1318 89 24/64 75/508 22:26 22:20 7:12
365 Michael Westvaal M3539 90 6/46 76/508 22:24 22:22 7:12
1779 Alyssa Unger F1318 91 7/81 15/777 22:27 22:22 7:12
38 Jarod Trevena M1934 92 25/153 77/508 22:54 22:22 7:12
22 Brad Thomas M1318 93 25/64 78/508 22:24 22:24 7:13
362 James Beaumaster M3539 94 7/46 79/508 22:31 22:25 7:13
1914 Missy Grindahl F3539 95 2/95 16/777 22:28 22:27 7:14
482 Matthew Montain M1934 96 26/153 80/508 22:34 22:28 7:14
279 Jason Zosel M1934 97 27/153 81/508 22:40 22:28 7:14
1653 Halle Gustafson F1318 98 8/81 17/777 22:37 22:34 7:16
70 Mark Weisgerber M4044 99 5/43 82/508 23:05 22:36 7:17
467 Donald Weyer M6064 100 3/30 83/508 22:39 22:38 7:17
369 Preston Modeen M1934 101 28/153 84/508 22:45 22:38 7:17
268 Doug Janzig M4549 102 6/39 85/508 22:47 22:39 7:18
242 Kory Bigalk M3539 103 8/46 86/508 22:45 22:42 7:19
219 Dennis Goebel M4044 104 6/43 87/508 22:57 22:45 7:20
515 Don Goebel M4549 105 7/39 88/508 22:57 22:46 7:20
551 Daniel Pesch M5054 106 8/35 89/508 22:49 22:46 7:20
1268 Robin Tedlund F5054 107 1/53 18/777 22:48 22:47 7:20
580 Ben Norton M1934 108 29/153 90/508 23:01 22:52 7:22
421 Matthew Metzdorff M1318 109 26/64 91/508 23:04 22:52 7:22
210 Jeff Owata M1934 110 30/153 92/508 23:08 22:59 7:24
13 William Ortlinghaus M4549 111 8/39 93/508 23:04 23:00 7:25
21 Brian Tri M1934 112 31/153 94/508 23:09 23:01 7:25
1235 Amanda Johnson F1934 113 3/292 19/777 23:10 23:04 7:26
67 Jeffery Frick M4044 114 7/43 95/508 23:12 23:06 7:27
317 Terry Paine M4549 115 9/39 96/508 23:16 23:12 7:29
222 Bruce Thomas M4549 116 10/39 97/508 23:14 23:13 7:29
1526 Sarah Alsleben F1934 117 4/292 20/777 23:19 23:14 7:29
1781 Katie Caldwell F1318 118 9/81 21/777 23:32 23:24 7:32
522 Larry Caldwell M5054 119 9/35 98/508 23:32 23:24 7:32
190 Aaron Glass M1318 120 27/64 99/508 23:31 23:25 7:33
582 Zach Galo M1318 121 28/64 100/508 23:36 23:25 7:33
1908 Jody Drake F1934 122 5/292 22/777 23:37 23:26 7:33
424 Brandon Phillips M1934 123 32/153 101/508 23:56 23:27 7:33
1500 Lisa Lippold F1934 124 6/292 23/777 23:32 23:27 7:33
357 Jayson Yapel M3539 125 9/46 102/508 23:46 23:31 7:34
1153 Robin Petersen F4549 126 4/64 24/777 24:02 23:31 7:35
136 Adam Rodgers M0112 127 2/43 103/508 23:44 23:31 7:35

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