Edgerunner 5K



May 3, 2009 in Edgewater, CO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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5862 Craig Ewing M5059 3 1/7 3/64 22:22 7:13
5741 Roger Larson M5059 4 2/7 4/64 22:25 7:14
5619 Marc MacKert M3039 5 3/22 5/64 22:45 7:21
5845 Molly Wray F3039 6 1/45 1/112 22:53 7:23
5850 John Hand M2029 7 1/12 6/64 23:09 7:29
5793 Jason Reinking M3039 8 4/22 7/64 23:11 7:29
5717 Ed Green M5059 9 3/7 8/64 23:37 7:38
5738 Jess Kugler M3039 10 5/22 9/64 23:48 7:41
5744 Nicholas Lincoln M3039 11 6/22 10/64 24:21 7:52
5620 Mejia Hhatta M3039 12 7/22 11/64 24:30 7:54
5651 Tina Albert F5059 13 1/15 2/112 24:32 7:55
5680 Alex Brown M4049 14 1/7 12/64 24:56 8:03
5618 Jarrett Dickson M2029 15 2/12 13/64 25:11 8:08
5609 Michael Dran M???? 16 1/1 14/64 25:13 8:08
5858 Liz Huffman F3039 17 2/45 3/112 25:15 8:09
5839 John Wallace M3039 18 8/22 15/64 25:19 8:10
5617 Nick Halm M3039 19 9/22 16/64 25:54 8:22
5700 Karen Davis F5059 20 2/15 4/112 26:05 8:25
5795 Mike Rohde M4049 21 2/7 17/64 26:11 8:27
5864 Ronalda Goodner M5059 22 4/7 18/64 26:12 8:27
5824 Cheryl Ternes F4049 23 1/13 5/112 26:27 8:32
5703 Emily Dovi F2029 24 1/22 6/112 26:33 8:34
5646 Chris Voisinet M5059 25 5/7 19/64 26:40 8:37
5644 Michael Chessnoe M6069 26 1/3 20/64 26:42 8:37
5696 Robert Cope M3039 27 10/22 21/64 26:43 8:37
5780 Janessa Parra F2029 28 2/22 7/112 26:53 8:41
5642 Michele Carlson F4049 29 2/13 8/112 26:55 8:41
5732 Stason Ikenouye M3039 30 11/22 22/64 26:59 8:43
5679 Jenny Brookfield F3039 31 3/45 9/112 27:18 8:49
5681 Colton Brown M1319 32 1/4 23/64 27:42 8:56
5753 Sean MacKin M3039 33 12/22 24/64 27:47 8:58
5745 Ken Lingle M4049 34 3/7 25/64 27:47 8:58
5855 Melissa Pugh F3039 35 4/45 10/112 27:54 9:00
5624 Paul Jaminet M4049 36 4/7 26/64 28:03 9:03
5865 Sarah Skarie F3039 37 5/45 11/112 28:04 9:04
5755 Dan Makelky M3039 38 13/22 27/64 28:06 9:04
5676 Beth Bowe F2029 39 3/22 12/112 29:03 9:23
5643 Natalie Straatmann F1319 40 1/9 13/112 29:04 9:23
5655 Lydia Anderson F2029 41 4/22 14/112 29:15 9:26
5612 Christopher Lucas M2029 42 3/12 28/64 29:22 9:29

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