114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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3358 Suzanne Matunis F6064 2942 31/124 1197/2609 1:03:07 10:11
805 Brooke Cartone F2529 2943 181/356 1198/2609 1:03:09 10:12
4194 Maggie Pustinger F2529 2944 182/356 1199/2609 1:03:10 10:12
1530 Olivia Ferguson F2024 2945 184/349 1200/2609 1:03:10 10:12
4377 Rodney Robinson M5559 2946 93/188 1746/2629 1:03:10 10:12
1154 Harold Davis Jr M5559 2947 94/188 1747/2629 1:03:11 10:12
161 Emily Bailer F2529 2948 183/356 1201/2609 1:03:12 10:12
7190 Steve Horn M4549 2949 128/191 1748/2629 1:03:12 10:12
7984 Jacob Powers M2529 2950 233/318 1749/2629 1:03:12 10:12
2770 Scott Kleinholz M3539 2951 214/287 1750/2629 1:03:12 10:12
4285 Michael Reimer M2529 2952 234/318 1751/2629 1:03:12 10:12
3640 Tim Moller M6569 2953 33/91 1752/2629 1:03:12 10:12
8613 Matthew Bauer M4549 2954 129/191 1753/2629 1:03:13 10:12
9746 Keith Turner M4549 2955 130/191 1754/2629 1:03:13 10:12
9457 Abigail Reynolds F3034 2956 140/260 1202/2609 1:03:14 10:12
3546 Doug Michelsen M5054 2957 122/200 1755/2629 1:03:14 10:12
4376 Rachel Robinson F5054 2958 58/186 1203/2609 1:03:14 10:12
8755 Lauren Clements F1619 2959 164/250 1204/2609 1:03:15 10:13
6827 Haellie Gordon F2529 2960 184/356 1205/2609 1:03:16 10:13
1778 Chris Gist M4549 2961 131/191 1756/2629 1:03:16 10:13
598 Rose Brown F2529 2962 185/356 1206/2609 1:03:17 10:13
5474 Honeylyn Vogelpohl F4549 2963 84/211 1207/2609 1:03:17 10:13
4407 Sheena Rogers F4044 2964 103/223 1208/2609 1:03:17 10:13
4425 Michael Roman M4044 2965 173/228 1757/2629 1:03:17 10:13
3377 Ron McAdams M6064 2966 75/166 1758/2629 1:03:19 10:13
1779 Graydon Gist M0115 2967 96/140 1759/2629 1:03:19 10:13
8375 Timothy Tuttle M6064 2968 76/166 1760/2629 1:03:19 10:13
4343 Abbe Riffle F2024 2969 185/349 1209/2609 1:03:19 10:13
1074 James Cromwell M4549 2970 132/191 1761/2629 1:03:19 10:13
8376 Kristyn Tuttle F6064 2971 32/124 1210/2609 1:03:19 10:13
4345 Reagan Riffle F2024 2972 186/349 1211/2609 1:03:19 10:13
10722 Jenjen Baladhay F3034 2973 141/260 1212/2609 1:03:19 10:13
3567 Benjamin Miller M4044 2974 174/228 1762/2629 1:03:20 10:13
4232 Nicholas Ratcliff M3034 2975 220/299 1763/2629 1:03:22 10:14
6128 Gretta Gunn F2024 2976 187/349 1213/2609 1:03:22 10:14
448 Tyler Bogan M0115 2977 97/140 1764/2629 1:03:22 10:14
6089 Rob Ghering M5054 2978 123/200 1765/2629 1:03:22 10:14
1269 Liam Dill M0115 2979 98/140 1766/2629 1:03:22 10:14
6088 Abby Ghering F4549 2980 85/211 1214/2609 1:03:23 10:14
7724 Jon Moffitt M5559 2981 95/188 1767/2629 1:03:23 10:14

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