114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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5709 Thomas Wilson M3034 877 82/299 653/2629 49:51 8:03
7860 Alex Tomblin M2529 878 91/318 654/2629 49:51 8:03
7313 Alex Slamka M3539 879 91/287 655/2629 49:53 8:03
422 Brad Blackwell M5054 880 35/200 656/2629 49:53 8:03
2986 Audrey Laiveling F2024 881 34/349 225/2609 49:54 8:03
413 Braden Blackburn M2024 882 93/284 657/2629 49:54 8:03
4943 Libby Smith F2024 883 35/349 226/2609 49:54 8:03
2440 Emily Ireland F2024 884 36/349 227/2609 49:54 8:03
4638 Erica Schloemer F2024 885 37/349 228/2609 49:54 8:03
8450 Philippa Ragase F0115 886 25/128 229/2609 49:56 8:04
2118 Olivia Heaton F2529 887 39/356 230/2609 49:56 8:04
2087 Megan Hassey F3034 888 34/260 231/2609 49:56 8:04
8161 James Smith M1619 889 71/169 658/2629 49:57 8:04
8451 Mark Ragase M4549 890 38/191 659/2629 49:57 8:04
5469 Daniel Vogel M2529 891 92/318 660/2629 49:57 8:04
7160 Henry Gilliland M0115 892 39/140 661/2629 49:57 8:04
5044 Abigail Stautberg F2024 893 38/349 232/2609 49:59 8:04
6031 Sean Eberly M2024 894 94/284 662/2629 49:59 8:04
7747 John O'Neil M6569 895 12/91 663/2629 50:00 8:04
6871 Elizabeth Jackson F1619 896 37/250 233/2609 50:00 8:04
6006 Marie Dattilo F1619 897 38/250 234/2609 50:01 8:04
822 Kathryn Cauhorn F3539 898 21/252 235/2609 50:01 8:04
6017 Will Dippold M1619 899 72/169 664/2629 50:01 8:04
352 Jason Berberich M4549 900 39/191 665/2629 50:02 8:05
7962 Timothy Morand M6569 901 13/91 666/2629 50:02 8:05
2046 Devin Harris M2024 902 95/284 667/2629 50:03 8:05
1645 David Frey M2529 903 93/318 668/2629 50:04 8:05
7153 Steven Gates M5054 904 36/200 669/2629 50:05 8:05
4755 Lawren Scowden F2529 905 40/356 236/2609 50:05 8:05
2854 Daniel Kowalski M1619 906 73/169 670/2629 50:05 8:05
3265 Joshua Maile M2529 907 94/318 671/2629 50:06 8:05
6517 Darby Schwarz F2529 908 41/356 237/2609 50:07 8:05
8599 Trip Bakun M5054 909 37/200 672/2629 50:08 8:06
2294 Taylor Hoffman F2529 910 42/356 238/2609 50:08 8:06
10435 Ryan Burkart M3034 911 83/299 673/2629 50:09 8:06
5368 Andrew Uithoven M4044 912 74/228 674/2629 50:09 8:06
3613 Christopher Mitchell M3034 913 84/299 675/2629 50:09 8:06
7086 Meghann Andrew F4044 914 17/223 239/2609 50:11 8:06
6122 Justin Greenwalt M3539 915 92/287 676/2629 50:12 8:06
10663 Evelyn Carpenter F0115 916 26/128 240/2609 50:12 8:06

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