114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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4809 Bill Shatto M5559 1489 42/188 1027/2629 54:12 8:45
7970 Amy Walton F4044 1490 36/223 463/2609 54:12 8:45
9088 Ellie Hutzel F0115 1491 34/128 464/2609 54:12 8:45
5247 Ella Taylor F0115 1492 35/128 465/2609 54:13 8:45
4738 Ben Schwartz M2024 1493 142/284 1028/2629 54:13 8:45
7009 Dean Smith M0115 1494 54/140 1029/2629 54:13 8:45
7801 Andrew Schwartz M2024 1495 143/284 1030/2629 54:13 8:45
2660 Sarah Kemper F1619 1496 70/250 466/2609 54:13 8:45
9756 Lauren Vaughn F0115 1497 36/128 467/2609 54:14 8:45
4364 Margaret Roberts F3034 1498 55/260 468/2609 54:15 8:45
4820 Matthew Sheeran M2024 1499 144/284 1031/2629 54:16 8:46
2042 Michelle Harrington F5054 1500 22/186 469/2609 54:16 8:46
9964 Kevin Michael M6569 1501 18/91 1032/2629 54:16 8:46
5257 Sophie Taylor F0115 1502 37/128 470/2609 54:17 8:46
6450 Sam Potter M0115 1503 55/140 1033/2629 54:18 8:46
7381 Cody Arsenault M3034 1504 137/299 1034/2629 54:19 8:46
6980 Jonathan Rock M4044 1505 102/228 1035/2629 54:19 8:46
10209 Jim Stahl M5054 1506 68/200 1036/2629 54:19 8:46
1335 David Draper M4549 1507 66/191 1037/2629 54:19 8:46
10249 Maria Bengel F2024 1508 77/349 471/2609 54:20 8:46
6018 Benjamin Dirr M2529 1509 136/318 1038/2629 54:20 8:46
1986 Emily Hallahan F2529 1510 68/356 472/2609 54:20 8:46
8636 Matthew Bertke M4044 1511 103/228 1039/2629 54:20 8:46
1058 Christina Craver F4549 1512 25/211 473/2609 54:20 8:46
3745 Janelle Muuse F2529 1513 69/356 474/2609 54:21 8:46
3261 Nikolaus Mahrt M4044 1514 104/228 1040/2629 54:21 8:46
8128 Robert Swinford M3034 1515 138/299 1041/2629 54:21 8:46
9657 Sean Stallo M4044 1516 105/228 1042/2629 54:22 8:46
10699 Maria Waters F2529 1517 70/356 475/2609 54:22 8:47
5836 Liza Zengel F0115 1518 38/128 476/2609 54:22 8:47
880 Audrey Cissell F1619 1519 71/250 477/2609 54:23 8:47
2009 Zack Handorf M2024 1520 145/284 1043/2629 54:23 8:47
4727 Mike Schuster M6569 1521 19/91 1044/2629 54:23 8:47
4218 Ramnath Ramachandran M4044 1522 106/228 1045/2629 54:23 8:47
4726 Catherine Schuster F4044 1523 37/223 478/2609 54:23 8:47
9423 Desmond Pierce M3034 1524 139/299 1046/2629 54:23 8:47
569 Jordan Brogan M1619 1525 103/169 1047/2629 54:24 8:47
1008 Matthew Cornell M2529 1526 137/318 1048/2629 54:24 8:47
7922 Aynara Wulsin F3539 1527 55/252 479/2609 54:24 8:47
6430 Monica Pence F3034 1528 56/260 480/2609 54:24 8:47

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