NorthShore Inline Marathon - 2008

Open Class - Marathon


September 13, 2008 in Duluth, MN

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Open Class - Marathon - Results

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6103 Annie Markuson F2529 1598 60/150 470/934 2:01:04 4:38
7087 Daniel Goodman M5054 1599 183/213 1129/1355 2:01:10 4:38
6157 Ryan Olsen M3034 1600 95/114 1130/1355 2:01:14 4:38
4147 John Peltier M4549 1601 187/209 1131/1355 2:01:14 4:38
4071 Beth Asfahl F4549 1602 81/121 471/934 2:01:15 4:38
6234 Ashley Watermolen F2529 1603 61/150 472/934 2:01:17 4:38
7146 Ann Litersky F1824 1604 57/156 473/934 2:01:23 4:38
5029 Elisabeth Lacombe F4044 1605 73/129 474/934 2:01:24 4:38
8056 Lori Danner F4044 1606 74/129 475/934 2:01:26 4:38
7151 Katherine Jones F1824 1607 58/156 476/934 2:01:26 4:38
6207 Jill Reeves F3034 1608 59/102 477/934 2:01:27 4:38
7153 Sandy Hoel F4549 1609 82/121 478/934 2:01:28 4:38
8055 Kayla Danner F1824 1610 59/156 479/934 2:01:32 4:39
5105 William Blank M6064 1611 65/79 1132/1355 2:01:36 4:39
9052 Sarah Steingas F2529 1612 62/150 480/934 2:01:36 4:39
3207 Nolan Beron M2529 1613 82/115 1133/1355 2:01:37 4:39
6095 Julianne Rantala F4044 1614 75/129 481/934 2:01:38 4:39
4014 Chris Rettger M4044 1615 158/176 1134/1355 2:01:41 4:39
6261 Debra Kellner F4549 1616 83/121 482/934 2:01:47 4:39
5292 Charlie Borer M1517 1617 19/22 1135/1355 2:01:50 4:39
6025 Joyce Ossmann F6569 1618 2/7 483/934 2:01:51 4:39
5229 Douglas Yee M5054 1619 184/213 1136/1355 2:01:52 4:39
3307 George Larson M4044 1620 159/176 1137/1355 2:01:53 4:39
5183 Betty Ramsland F6569 1621 3/7 484/934 2:01:55 4:39
6248 Marina Brandon F2529 1622 63/150 485/934 2:01:58 4:40
5256 Lisa Sundberg F4044 1623 76/129 486/934 2:02:02 4:40
8036 Tammy Lancioni F3539 1624 59/110 487/934 2:02:06 4:40
3224 Brian Olson M5559 1625 128/147 1138/1355 2:02:08 4:40
6014 Kim Smith F3539 1626 60/110 488/934 2:02:10 4:40
8037 Sherrie McCabe F5054 1627 40/75 489/934 2:02:10 4:40
6013 R Kyle Smith M3539 1628 116/140 1139/1355 2:02:12 4:40
6263 April Hoelle F3539 1629 61/110 490/934 2:02:19 4:40
5280 Michael Burbul M3539 1630 117/140 1140/1355 2:02:19 4:40
6252 Christopher Bollman M1824 1631 53/73 1141/1355 2:02:20 4:40
7029 Blair Gagne M5054 1632 185/213 1142/1355 2:02:21 4:40
6267 Erin Johnson F1824 1633 60/156 491/934 2:02:22 4:41
6230 Jenna Johnson F1824 1634 61/156 492/934 2:02:22 4:41
6033 Seth Steinbach M2529 1635 83/115 1143/1355 2:02:25 4:41
8210 Joseph Cheetham M5559 1636 129/147 1144/1355 2:02:28 4:41
7057 Camie Stokesbary F1824 1637 62/156 493/934 2:02:30 4:41

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