NorthShore Inline Marathon - 2008

Open Class - Marathon


September 13, 2008 in Duluth, MN

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Open Class - Marathon - Results

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8098 William Karnes M6569 1675 34/41 1159/1355 2:03:46 4:44
8097 Matthew Karnes M3034 1676 97/114 1160/1355 2:03:47 4:44
4163 Majil Franz F2529 1677 65/150 517/934 2:03:55 4:44
5197 Maranda Unzeitig F1824 1678 66/156 518/934 2:03:59 4:44
7093 Candace Droge F1824 1679 67/156 519/934 2:03:59 4:44
5203 Haley Fogle F1824 1680 68/156 520/934 2:03:59 4:44
5198 McKenzie Barnes F1824 1681 69/156 521/934 2:04:00 4:44
4231 Erica Bukovich F3034 1682 65/102 522/934 2:04:07 4:45
6233 Shannon Fabini F4044 1683 81/129 523/934 2:04:08 4:45
7181 Jan Sommerfeld F5559 1684 14/27 524/934 2:04:09 4:45
5253 Lauri Hohman F5054 1685 44/75 525/934 2:04:15 4:45
5145 Neil Hindle M3539 1686 119/140 1161/1355 2:04:19 4:45
7191 Kirstin Anderson F2529 1687 66/150 526/934 2:04:21 4:45
7178 Sasha Myers F2529 1688 67/150 527/934 2:04:21 4:45
4048 Brenda Jentsch F3539 1689 64/110 528/934 2:04:24 4:45
6077 Rebecca Frank F2529 1690 68/150 529/934 2:04:24 4:45
4047 Michael Jentsch M3539 1691 120/140 1162/1355 2:04:25 4:45
6019 Kari Rybak F3539 1692 65/110 530/934 2:04:30 4:45
1180 Kelly Bruss F1824 1693 70/156 531/934 2:04:32 4:45
1179 Kelly Reynolds M1824 1694 54/73 1163/1355 2:04:33 4:45
6169 Rosalind Sandberg F6569 1695 4/7 532/934 2:04:33 4:46
4003 Virginia Wallace F6064 1696 14/18 533/934 2:04:35 4:46
6273 Melissa Klauer F3539 1697 66/110 534/934 2:04:37 4:46
8109 Travis Totz M1824 1698 55/73 1164/1355 2:04:43 4:46
8110 Jenna Carlson F1824 1699 71/156 535/934 2:04:43 4:46
7219 Joan Carter F4549 1700 88/121 536/934 2:04:45 4:46
3140 Jessica Mowder F1824 1701 72/156 537/934 2:05:01 4:47
5090 Lisa Marynik F2529 1702 69/150 538/934 2:05:06 4:47
5091 Jamie Marynik F2529 1703 70/150 539/934 2:05:07 4:47
1152 Valerie Kramlinger F1824 1704 73/156 540/934 2:05:12 4:47
2059 Greg Hefferan M5054 1705 188/213 1165/1355 2:05:13 4:47
7186 Sarah Key F2529 1706 71/150 541/934 2:05:13 4:47
5243 Evan Groves M2529 1707 87/115 1166/1355 2:05:14 4:47
5220 Marc Hefferan M5559 1708 130/147 1167/1355 2:05:14 4:47
7185 Rachel MacK F2529 1709 72/150 542/934 2:05:15 4:47
5045 Benjamin Hallgren M1517 1710 20/22 1168/1355 2:05:15 4:47
7188 Rachel Gordon F1824 1711 74/156 543/934 2:05:16 4:47
7102 Kathleen Robinson F4549 1712 89/121 544/934 2:05:17 4:47
3034 Bob Lindholm M5559 1713 131/147 1169/1355 2:05:18 4:47
8005 James Schnack M2529 1714 88/115 1170/1355 2:05:23 4:47

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