2021 Garmin Kansas City Marathon



October 16, 2021 in Kansas City, MO

Event Groups

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Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

341 Emily Lee F 35-39 637 33/65 182/320 4:46:54 10:57
107 Matthew Gencarelli M 30-34 638 83/109 456/622 4:46:55 10:58
67 Tory Fisher M 35-39 639 84/100 457/622 4:46:55 10:58
144 Kyle Sullivan M 25-29 640 90/118 458/622 4:46:58 10:58
560 Tom Riordan M 40-44 641 45/64 459/622 4:47:02 10:58
532 Phil Hopkins M 40-44 642 46/64 460/622 4:47:18 10:58
726 Bradley Cutting M 45-49 643 50/63 461/622 4:47:36 10:59
12 Jason Smith M 50-54 644 26/40 462/622 4:47:38 10:59
297 Robert Papreck M 70-74 645 1/2 463/622 4:47:40 10:59
766 Anali Carrillo F 25-29 646 39/57 183/320 4:47:47 11:00
851 Andrea Tudhope F 30-34 647 28/62 184/320 4:48:16 11:01
711 Nicole Clark F 40-44 648 26/41 185/320 4:48:21 11:01
178 Elizabeth Wheeler F 35-39 649 34/65 186/320 4:48:40 11:02
893 Maurice Fanty M 50-54 650 27/40 464/622 4:48:57 11:02
536 Shane Weir M 45-49 651 51/63 465/622 4:48:58 11:02
824 Max Lafferty M 30-34 652 84/109 466/622 4:49:27 11:03
158 Mike Higley M 40-44 653 47/64 467/622 4:49:35 11:04
24 Austin Metzger M 18-24 654 46/56 468/622 4:49:36 11:04
212 Mike Bannen M 45-49 655 52/63 469/622 4:49:46 11:04
410 Timothy Orr M 35-39 656 85/100 470/622 4:50:23 11:05
623 Bill Stott M 55-59 657 23/32 471/622 4:50:29 11:06
330 Katie Bardsley F 30-34 658 29/62 187/320 4:50:32 11:06
118 Andrew Hall M 18-24 659 47/56 472/622 4:51:34 11:08
1331 Eric Davis M 40-44 660 48/64 473/622 4:51:36 11:08
190 Marit Janse F 60-64 661 3/9 188/320 4:51:44 11:09
189 Karen Downs F 60-64 662 4/9 189/320 4:51:44 11:09
233 Jason Burgess M 40-44 663 49/64 474/622 4:51:57 11:09
182 Brian Ware M 55-59 664 24/32 475/622 4:52:13 11:10
636 Tom Moore M 60-64 665 6/17 476/622 4:52:20 11:10
411 Katie Mattson F 30-34 666 30/62 190/320 4:52:50 11:11
27 Rebecca Halling F 35-39 667 35/65 191/320 4:52:56 11:11
853 Lauren Northcutt F 30-34 668 31/62 192/320 4:52:59 11:11
729 Jarod Lake M 25-29 669 91/118 477/622 4:53:07 11:12
826 Kuppuswamy Sabesan M 60-64 670 7/17 478/622 4:53:15 11:12
124 Derrick Schupp M 25-29 671 92/118 479/622 4:53:16 11:12
756 David Boots M 18-24 672 48/56 480/622 4:53:20 11:12
216 William Birkeness M 60-64 673 8/17 481/622 4:53:50 11:13
451 Jacob Godsey M 30-34 674 85/109 482/622 4:54:10 11:14
805 Mitch Weatherly M 45-49 675 53/63 483/622 4:54:16 11:14
92 Daniel Gooden M 45-49 676 54/63 484/622 4:54:16 11:14

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