4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

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3677 Christalle Dalsted F2029 179 22/55 65/247 37:38 9:25
3637 Kim Murdock F3039 180 24/90 66/247 37:41 9:26
3665 Kathleen Stewart F4049 181 14/43 67/247 37:41 9:26
3813 Jb Holston M5059 182 13/18 114/201 37:44 9:26
6612 Lauren Koppel F1319 183 3/11 68/247 37:46 9:27
3735 Christine Black F3039 184 25/90 69/247 37:47 9:27
3811 Sarah Hoge F2029 185 23/55 70/247 37:49 9:28
6737 Anthony Sanelli M2029 186 22/37 115/201 37:51 9:28
3844 Julie Leins F5059 187 5/25 71/247 37:56 9:29
6735 Chris Marks M2029 188 23/37 116/201 37:57 9:30
3675 Paul Murphy-Geiss M5059 189 14/18 117/201 38:00 9:30
3772 Michelle Fenton F3039 190 26/90 72/247 38:01 9:31
3852 Christin Marvin F2029 191 24/55 73/247 38:03 9:31
6742 Elizabeth Covieo F3039 192 27/90 74/247 38:08 9:32
6743 Stephen Covieo M4049 193 22/39 118/201 38:11 9:33
6775 Max Tyler M2029 194 24/37 119/201 38:12 9:33
3511 Rob Schlenker M4049 195 23/39 120/201 38:13 9:34
3626 Nick Armstrong M2029 196 25/37 121/201 38:14 9:34
3631 Jamie Burke F3039 197 28/90 75/247 38:14 9:34
3645 Woldey Assefa M4049 198 24/39 122/201 38:15 9:34
6611 Sara Mustari F1319 199 4/11 76/247 38:17 9:35
3845 Trey Leins M4049 200 25/39 123/201 38:22 9:36
3824 Coye Jones M6069 201 8/22 124/201 38:26 9:37
3533 Randy Ohlson M4049 202 26/39 125/201 38:29 9:38
6761 Elizabeth Roush F2029 203 25/55 77/247 38:37 9:40
3937 Inbal Vuletich F4049 204 15/43 78/247 38:39 9:40
3698 Kimberly Wachtel F3039 205 29/90 79/247 38:39 9:40
3642 Phil Davis M6069 206 9/22 126/201 38:42 9:41
3740 Sarah Brown F3039 207 30/90 80/247 38:43 9:41
3546 Carol Dowdell F5059 208 6/25 81/247 38:48 9:42
3745 Becky Calder F2029 209 26/55 82/247 39:01 9:46
3751 Krista Chism F3039 210 31/90 83/247 39:04 9:46
3748 Layton Carroll M0112 211 1/5 127/201 39:04 9:46
3841 Andrew Leeper M2029 212 26/37 128/201 39:06 9:47
3918 Karen Shrum F3039 213 32/90 84/247 39:09 9:48
3628 Kate Zeschin F3039 214 33/90 85/247 39:09 9:48
3542 Richard Buethe M4049 215 27/39 129/201 39:11 9:48
3703 Patrick Hayes M4049 216 28/39 130/201 39:13 9:49
3941 Barbara Ward F6069 217 2/14 86/247 39:13 9:49
3648 Elizabeth Stolz F3039 218 34/90 87/247 39:15 9:49

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