Door County Triathlon - 2015

Sprint - Individuals - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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314 Mary McCormack F45-49 419 25/42 170/433 8:46 2:05 1:09:28 1:01 24:23 - 1:45:42
493 Dana Krolikiewicz F25-29 420 25/50 171/433 6:31 2:20 1:03:17 1:23 32:15 - 1:45:45
466 Daniel Kerkman M50-54 421 18/33 250/380 9:02 1:54 1:02:19 1:50 30:42 - 1:45:45
418 Stephanie Ferrario F35-39 422 33/68 172/433 11:42 4:18 1:00:49 1:59 26:59 - 1:45:46
317 Sheila Vogdes F60-64 423 5/13 173/433 10:33 3:33 56:56 2:44 32:07 - 1:45:50
698 Rob Golden M50-54 424 19/33 251/380 9:22 3:47 1:01:17 3:08 28:21 - 1:45:53
841 Alison Hoffman F30-34 425 22/53 174/433 9:04 2:14 1:03:59 1:50 28:48 - 1:45:54
118 Bill Woodward M50-54 426 20/33 252/380 8:38 3:44 59:10 2:08 28:19 4:00 1:45:58
823 Edward Reynolds M30-34 427 42/55 253/380 10:34 3:26 1:02:25 1:59 27:43 - 1:46:05
772 Daniel Biebel M55-59 428 22/34 254/380 13:40 2:15 58:51 2:05 29:19 - 1:46:08
456 Suzanne Weyers F55-59 429 9/35 175/433 10:11 3:20 58:36 2:10 31:53 - 1:46:08
408 Deborah Kaioula F55-59 430 10/35 176/433 9:49 3:42 58:56 1:56 31:49 - 1:46:10
391 Todd Van Ye M50-54 431 21/33 255/380 9:57 3:54 58:19 2:03 32:11 - 1:46:23
352 David Keene M45-49 432 35/52 256/380 9:56 4:21 1:03:29 2:43 26:01 - 1:46:28
753 Alex Kool M30-34 433 43/55 257/380 10:45 2:54 1:07:45 1:24 23:43 - 1:46:29
475 Melissa Haber F25-29 434 26/50 177/433 8:27 2:28 1:05:30 2:03 28:07 - 1:46:34
273 Casey Vanden Heuvel M30-34 435 44/55 258/380 11:16 3:09 1:01:05 1:07 30:00 - 1:46:35
147 Megan Molling F20-24 436 15/33 178/433 7:00 2:48 1:05:25 1:12 30:12 - 1:46:36
659 Ilario Alvino M55-59 437 23/34 259/380 15:52 5:00 50:28 2:27 32:54 - 1:46:39
444 Gary Sipsma M55-59 438 24/34 260/380 10:29 3:12 1:02:12 1:39 29:09 - 1:46:39
665 Susan Reynolds Smith F55-59 439 11/35 179/433 11:16 3:06 1:05:28 1:46 25:05 - 1:46:39
440 Patrick Meyer M65-69 440 9/14 261/380 10:47 4:22 1:04:19 2:13 25:06 - 1:46:45
833 Peter Reed M60-64 441 13/23 262/380 13:29 3:25 1:01:00 1:11 27:46 - 1:46:50
551 Andi Sutton F35-39 442 34/68 180/433 8:34 2:52 1:02:28 1:01 31:59 - 1:46:52
678 Christopher Peters M50-54 443 22/33 263/380 13:10 3:08 1:00:06 1:05 29:28 - 1:46:55
256 Diane Franklin F45-49 444 26/42 181/433 11:19 3:27 1:03:02 1:19 27:50 - 1:46:55
410 Chris Konshak M45-49 445 36/52 264/380 9:13 1:57 1:03:55 2:01 29:50 - 1:46:55
351 Lisa Kern F45-49 446 27/42 182/433 10:36 2:31 58:01 1:58 33:54 - 1:46:58
33 Jennifer Sipple F45-49 447 28/42 183/433 10:30 3:18 1:02:38 2:14 28:21 - 1:46:58
562 Marlene Patterson F30-34 448 23/53 184/433 9:29 3:02 1:04:29 2:26 25:40 2:00 1:47:05
496 Erika Wederquist F25-29 449 27/50 185/433 8:46 3:18 1:01:49 1:33 31:44 - 1:47:07
628 Jeanne Papenthien F50-54 450 16/45 186/433 9:38 4:07 1:01:32 2:02 29:51 - 1:47:07
323 Stanley Livingston M60-64 451 14/23 265/380 8:26 2:34 1:01:37 4:04 28:28 2:00 1:47:07
439 Betsy Forbes F50-54 452 17/45 187/433 9:10 2:55 1:06:24 1:37 27:07 - 1:47:11
229 Brian Sprinkman M45-49 453 37/52 266/380 8:40 2:50 58:35 1:57 35:13 - 1:47:14
478 Denise Hammernik F55-59 454 12/35 188/433 11:31 3:45 1:02:39 2:32 26:49 - 1:47:14
245 Maria Hernandez F35-39 455 35/68 189/433 9:25 1:44 57:47 2:15 36:21 - 1:47:30
9 Spence Nowinsky M40-44 456 32/45 267/380 10:06 3:37 1:01:57 1:37 30:17 - 1:47:32
344 Leslie Skelly F45-49 457 29/42 190/433 11:05 2:42 1:02:28 1:43 29:36 - 1:47:33
346 Robert Hasse M40-44 458 33/45 268/380 10:57 3:52 1:03:15 3:02 26:31 - 1:47:34

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