Madison Marathon 2007

10K - Results

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7105 Lindsay Kiehl F2529 129 12/66 32/246 52:30 53:16 8:27
7437 Matthew Starzewski M2529 130 19/42 98/201 53:06 53:19 8:33
7436 Janie Starzewski F2529 131 13/66 33/246 53:06 53:19 8:33
7455 Molly Schaefer F2529 132 14/66 34/246 52:45 53:20 8:30
7466 Michael Arndt M3034 133 13/23 99/201 53:03 53:21 8:33
7254 Thomas Garvin M5054 134 9/16 100/201 53:07 53:23 8:33
7355 Thomas Kuplic M3034 135 14/23 101/201 52:40 53:28 8:29
7217 Francine Wendorf F4549 136 3/14 35/246 53:00 53:34 8:32
7132 Tammy Makovec F4044 137 4/25 36/246 53:01 53:34 8:32
7046 Katie Detwiler F2024 138 5/35 37/246 53:21 53:35 8:36
7339 Jose Vazquez M3539 139 19/41 102/201 53:28 53:35 8:37
7420 Pamela Przybelski F4549 140 4/14 38/246 53:07 53:40 8:33
7099 Brian Kalscheuer M3539 141 20/41 103/201 53:28 53:42 8:37
7100 Jen Kalscheuer F3034 142 6/43 39/246 53:30 53:43 8:37
7356 Erin Serrault F2529 143 15/66 40/246 53:08 53:44 8:33
7346 Ashantai Hathaway F2024 144 6/35 41/246 53:40 53:49 8:39
7059 Claire Fernan F2024 145 7/35 42/246 53:28 53:49 8:37
7404 Gareth Zehrbach M3034 146 15/23 104/201 53:06 53:52 8:33
7445 Kristin Kammer F3034 147 7/43 43/246 53:38 53:58 8:38
7409 Katie Lewitzke F2024 148 8/35 44/246 53:53 53:59 8:41
7083 Megan Holler F2024 149 9/35 45/246 54:10 54:13 8:44
7042 Paul Cusick M2529 150 20/42 105/201 53:52 54:13 8:41
7041 Carrie Cusick F3034 151 8/43 46/246 53:52 54:13 8:41
7170 Hannah Rogers F0119 152 3/11 47/246 53:58 54:14 8:41
7182 Jeffrey Schultz M5054 153 10/16 106/201 54:07 54:15 8:43
7003 Jill Andrzejczak F2529 154 16/66 48/246 54:14 54:16 8:44
7359 Marni Winn F2529 155 17/66 49/246 54:16 54:20 8:44
7358 Blair Winn M2529 156 21/42 107/201 54:16 54:20 8:44
7352 Tricia Murtha F3539 157 4/34 50/246 53:29 54:29 8:37
7234 Mike Bazan M4549 158 12/18 108/201 53:50 54:31 8:40
7039 Anna Coyer F2529 159 18/66 51/246 54:24 54:33 8:46
7281 Jeff Piercy M3034 160 16/23 109/201 53:48 54:34 8:40
7219 Stacy Wepking F3034 161 9/43 52/246 54:28 54:36 8:46
7033 Elizabeth Charipar F2529 162 19/66 53/246 54:37 54:44 8:48
7131 Kelly MacKin F2024 163 10/35 54/246 54:37 54:44 8:48
7280 Michael Norton M4044 164 9/21 110/201 54:14 54:48 8:44
7407 Benjamin Kitslaar M2529 165 22/42 111/201 54:40 54:49 8:48
7022 Amy Brown F3539 166 5/34 55/246 54:33 54:51 8:47
7102 Jill Karofsky F4044 167 5/25 56/246 54:33 54:51 8:47
7408 Kevin Kitslaar M2529 168 23/42 112/201 54:42 54:51 8:49

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