Madison Marathon 2007

10K - Results

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7158 Brian Parker M3034 292 21/23 162/201 1:01:04 1:01:08 9:50
7433 Ben Gerds M2529 293 34/42 163/201 1:01:04 1:01:08 9:50
7134 Stephen McGrath M2529 294 35/42 164/201 59:18 1:01:12 9:33
7509 Tracy Rose F2529 295 40/66 131/246 1:00:55 1:01:13 9:49
7038 Karen Coombs F3034 296 25/43 132/246 1:00:19 1:01:14 9:43
7482 Erik Godchaux M4044 297 16/21 165/201 1:01:12 1:01:20 9:51
7173 Julie Rutkowski F3539 298 17/34 133/246 1:01:07 1:01:23 9:51
7054 Susan Erdmann F5559 299 1/9 134/246 1:01:03 1:01:27 9:50
7194 Natalie Steffen F2024 300 19/35 135/246 1:01:13 1:01:28 9:51
7117 Jerry Landau M5054 301 15/16 166/201 1:00:58 1:01:28 9:49
7505 Hector Delgado M4044 302 17/21 167/201 1:00:56 1:01:29 9:49
7520 Maggie Mund F2529 303 41/66 136/246 55:07 1:01:29 8:53
7439 Kimberly Bremer F2529 304 42/66 137/246 1:01:18 1:01:30 9:52
7440 Kristin Heelan F2529 305 43/66 138/246 1:01:18 1:01:31 9:52
7441 Sarah Urben F2529 306 44/66 139/246 1:01:18 1:01:31 9:52
7315 Jamie Koehler F2529 307 45/66 140/246 1:00:59 1:01:43 9:49
7199 Rachelle Sveom F2024 308 20/35 141/246 1:01:43 1:01:46 9:56
7077 Robert Gutsche Jr. M2529 309 36/42 168/201 1:00:59 1:01:56 9:49
7462 Joel Langfoss M2529 310 37/42 169/201 1:01:56 1:02:07 9:58
7011 Lisa Bell F2024 311 21/35 142/246 1:01:29 1:02:10 9:54
7202 Dan Theisen M2529 312 38/42 170/201 1:01:28 1:02:10 9:54
7369 Marina Dorian F3034 313 26/43 143/246 1:01:50 1:02:12 9:57
7005 Rachel Armstrong F2529 314 46/66 144/246 1:01:51 1:02:15 9:58
7489 Patty Ziegler F3539 315 18/34 145/246 1:02:07 1:02:16 10:00
7006 James Barry M3034 316 22/23 171/201 1:02:14 1:02:20 10:01
7282 Shannon Prince F0119 317 9/11 146/246 1:01:40 1:02:21 9:56
7032 Candice Cattell F5054 318 3/5 147/246 1:01:46 1:02:21 9:57
7332 Susan Shepherd F5559 319 2/9 148/246 1:02:18 1:02:26 10:02
7074 Travis Green M3539 320 33/41 172/201 1:02:00 1:02:27 9:59
7471 Aliya Niazi F2529 321 47/66 149/246 1:01:44 1:02:29 9:57
7341 Michelle Boehm F4044 322 16/25 150/246 1:02:13 1:02:30 10:01
7310 Kelly Hennes F2024 323 22/35 151/246 1:02:23 1:02:42 10:03
7372 Gary Erdmann M3539 324 34/41 173/201 1:01:52 1:02:43 9:58
7373 Shelly Erdmann F3539 325 19/34 152/246 1:01:52 1:02:43 9:58
7453 Marilyn Townsend F5559 326 3/9 153/246 1:02:45 1:02:49 10:06
7279 Ruth Nelson F5559 327 4/9 154/246 1:02:16 1:02:53 10:02
7216 Rob Wendlick M3539 328 35/41 174/201 1:02:41 1:02:55 10:06
7150 Lisa Neumann F3034 329 27/43 155/246 1:02:43 1:02:57 10:06
7378 Judy Hill F4549 330 8/14 156/246 1:02:35 1:02:59 10:05
7037 Stephen Collins M4044 331 18/21 175/201 1:03:00 1:03:10 10:09

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